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by George Snedeker
29 December 2001 02:27 UTC
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how can we analyze the position of Afghanistan now that the Northern
Alliance of "warlords" are back in power. is Afghanistan a feudal society
within the capitalist world system? how is this possible? the Marxist
framework allows us to see the role of imperialism and the role of the U.S.
in the context of a global capitalism. but what does this kind of analysis
have to say about Afghan society? for example, are religion and patriarchy
to be understood as superstructural features of a feudal mode of production?
are the mass of the Afghan people to be understood as a peasantry in the
Marxist sense? it should be clear to everyone that the dominant powers in
the world capitalist system are not going to provide liberation for the
Afghan people. does this mean that these folks can only look forward to a
future of blood and tears?

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