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Re: More reactionary acts
by The McDonald Family
18 January 2001 21:46 UTC
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At 04:41 PM 1/18/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>So according to McDonalds, it "maybe...was wrong" for NATO to intervene in
>Yugoslavia; however, because "there was not much at all that was good and
>worthwhile...in Milosevic's Serbia", then the US/NATO intervention is
>acceptable and okay?

No, I didn't say that.

The NATO intervention was probably wrong-headed.

That said, I'm frankly disgusted by how people are defending the Milosevic
regime (thankfully departed) as a paragon of social democracy. It was not.
It was a brutal kleptocracy that did, in fact, engage in political terror
campaigns in inner Serbia and ethnic cleansing campaigns abroad, and its
passing is a blessing to the world, to the region, and to Serbia.

Isn't it at least possible that no side was right? Kneejerk condemnations of
the Powers-That-Be are silly, particularly without bothering to consider the

There are people on this list who would disagree with my appraisal based on
their ideological blinders. Quite frankly, I don't mind, or at least care --
it's their lives, and their careers. Let them defend the indefensible.

I don't want to have to receive this E-mails in my account any more, though.
That's why I'm trying to unsubscribe.


>Yes, this list has descended to Pugliese's level!
>Colin S. Cavell                         "Disfranchisement is the deliberate
>Department of Political Science         theft and robbery of the only
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>Box 37520                               black against white.  The land that
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>Amherst, MA  01003-7520                 itself a democracy lies and knows 
>Internet:  cscpo@polsci.umass.edu       it lies."
>Voice:     (413) 546-3408              
>http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~cscpo            --W.E.B. Du  Bois 
>                                                    (1868-1963)

Randy McDonald

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