November 11-13, 1999
University of California, Santa Cruz
College Eight, Red Room
A conference sponsored by the
Center for Global, Regional and International Studies, UC Santa Cruz
Institute for International Studies, UC Berkeley
UC Pacific Rim Research Program
- Reception for Participants, Merrill College Provost’s House
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12th 19999:00-10:30
- Welcome and Keynote Address
- Chancellor MRC Greenwood
- “
Allen Scott, Public Policy and Geography, University of California, Los Angeles 10: 45- 12:45
- Keynote Address "Global City-Regions and the New World System"
Director, CGIRS and Sociology, University of California, Santa Cruz
- Panel One: SILICON VALLEY AS MODEL: IS REPLICATION POSSIBLE? Overview of the Model and Debates
- Chair: Paul Lubeck,
Discussant: Marybeth Pudup, Community Studies, University of California, Santa CruzIndustrial Performance Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Tim Sturgeon,
The Rise of the Global Supplier: Implications for Local Economic Development”
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Connie Martinez, Silicon Valley Regional Center, UCSC Public-Private Cooperation in the Informational Region: Joint Venture Silicon Valley”
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Amy B. Dean, Executive Officer, South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council
- " Labor in the New Economy; Lessons from Labor Organizing in
- Silicon Valley"
Ted Smith, Director, Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition
- Title: “Community Responses to Environmental Issues in the Development of Silicon Valley’s Electronics Industry”
Chuck Darrah, Anthropology, San Jose State University 12:30-2:00
- "Silicon Valley as Place: Models and Uses”
- Lunch at College VIII Cafe
Mel Clark, KwaZulu-Natal Economic Council
- Panel Two: Governance, State Policies and Regional Development Strategies
- Chair: David Goodman, Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz
- Discussant: Sean O’Riain,
University of California, Davis, Dean, Economics and Business, Universiti Malaysia, Sarawak
- Rajah Rasiah
- "Malaysian Electronics: Regional Dynamics and Production Networks"
- Henry Wai-Chung Yeung,
Geography, National University of Singapore,
- “Grounding Global Flows: Constructing an E-Commerce Hub in Singapore”
- Anupap Tiralap, Information Technology, King Mongrut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
The Myths of Sun Rise Industry in Developing Countries: The Case of the Electronics Industry in Thailand”
- “
, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte
- "Social Partnerships and Regional Development in the Information Age: Views from South Africa"
- Jorge Alonso
- "Globalization at the Margin: Economic Governance and the Evolution of Transnational Production Networks in Northern Mexico"
- Dinner for participants at the home of Paul Lubeck (for participants only)
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13th 19998:30-10:30
Director, Institute of International Studies and Geography, University of California, Berkeley
- Panel Three: Networks and Regional Development
- Chair: Michael Watts,
Discussant: Kyle Eischen, Sociology, University of California, Santa CruzUniversity of California, Berkeley
- Balaji Parthasarathy,
- “Institutional Embeddedness and Regional Industrialization: The State and the Indian Computer Software Industry”
Gerald Autler, Strategic Economics The Globalization of High-Tech: The Silicon Valley-Israel Connection”
- “
Sean O’Riain, University of California, Davis
- "The Flexible Developmental State: Globalization, Information Technology and the ‘Celtic Tiger’"
10:30-10:45Matt Zook, University of California, Berkeley
- "Regional Systems of Financing: The Impact of Venture Capital on the Emerging Internet Content and Commerce Industry in the United States"
- Break
- Panel Four: Strategies for Labor in the Informational Region
- Chair: Manuel Pastor, Latin America & Latino Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz (tentative)
- Discussant: Jennifer Chun,
University of California, Berkeley (tentative)City and Regional Planning, University of California, Berkeley
- Chris Benner,
- "Building Community-Based Careers: Labor Market Intermediaries and Flexible Employment in Silicon Valley"
- Boy Leuthje,
Institut fur Sozialforschung, Universitat Frankfurt
Andrew Szasz, Sociology, University of California, Santa Cruz
- "New Labor Relations in the Information Technology Industry - where is the
- model? Comparative Perspectives on Silicon Valley and Germany"
- Arne Wangel, Technology and Social Sciences, Technical University of Denmark
- “Technology Transfer, Labour and Local Learning Processes in Malaysian Industry”
- James Cone, MD, MPH, Dept. of Health Services, State of California
- “Occupational Health Challenges in Electronics Manufacturing in California and New Mexico: Research Findings & Policy Alternatives”
- Lunch
- Panel Five: Environmental Challenges to the Informational Region
- Chair: David Sonnenfeld, Institute of International Studies, University of California, Berkeley
- Discussant: Melanie Dupuis,
Sociology, University of California, Santa Cruzauthor and environmental policy consultant, Washington D.C.
- Jan Mazurek,
- “Environmental Restructuring in Semiconductor Manufacturing”
- Leslie Byster,
Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition
- “The International Campaign for Responsible Technology/WTO Clean Technology Campaign”
Environmental Inequalities in Silicon Valley: Lessons for Regional Development”
- “
Lenny Siegel, Director, Campaign for Public Environmental Oversight A Co-mingling of Concerns: Electronics Industry and Military Pollution in Silicon Valley”
- “
- Discussion: Future Directions For Research and Collaboration
* * *Conference Homepage:
Center for Global, International, and Regional Studies
University of California
156 Merrill College
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
831.459.3125 fax
Ciriacy-Wantrup Visiting Scholar
Institute of International Studies
University of California
215 Moses Hall #2308
Berkeley, CA 94720-2308
tel. +1 (510) 643-1671, +1 (510) 642-2472 msg, +1 (510) 642-9493 fax