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Re: World Systems

by Robert J.S. Ross

28 October 1999 01:14 UTC

We have a list serve problem here.  The message to which RB and others responded was not sent by me.  I sent you all a message about financiers preferring efficiency to democracy (from a New York Times article).  It's okay, but after all, the question is... shall we say, as my orthopedist does when I bring the results of multisports failures ... not age appropriate


RR I cannot directly answer your question and I hope someone else will venture a try. But I wanted you to know that I have recently proposed to Wallerstein that an online knowledge-base on WST be developed so that the theory could be accessible, explained and correlated with other important theories.  I am hoping to have an answer soon from Wallerstein about this project. I note that you are at Clark University.  If a knowledge-base project were to be implemented, would you have an interest in participating?  If so, could you give some details about your background.  I am looking to put together an interdisciplinary team to do this project. The favor of your reply is greatly appreciated. Randall BurtonSanta Fe, NM 
-----Original Message-----

Date: Wednesday, October 27, 1999 5:31 PM
Subject: World Systems
 Can anyone explain world systems theory to me in brief or recommend some good books on the subject please

Robert J.S. Ross, Ph.D                                 508 793 7376
Professor of Sociology                      fax: 508 793 8816
Clark University                                       Mailto:Rross@clarku.edu
950 Main Street                                        Http://Www.clarku.edu/~rross
Worcester, MA 01610

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