absolutely no endorsement or 'sole source' status implied for any commercial product. This is shared FYI. The Technology Project of the Rockefeller Family Fund offers for free download off the web a database package designed for nonprofits that need to track donors, members, and supporters. from www.ebase.org "I've tested all the major donor databases, and even for $10,000 you couldn't match the features and quality of ebase." Tim Greyhavens, Wilburforce Foundation. It has: all in one database- for activist, volunteer,demographic, & civic participation data all in the same database, so you can analyze these data against each other, & against membership & donor data. Only one database is needed for all constituency communication needs. It will "household"- i.e. have multiple people at the same address, but produce one letter per household. It will do individually customized email- an "email merge" directly from ebase to any set of records selected and sorted in ebase. It has automated response tracking and analysis- records campaign solicitation data, constituent contacts and responses. It also produces response analysis reports at multiple levels [house file segment, prospect list, solicitation, date range, &c.] It can be accessed on a LAN by up to 50 simultaneous users [access' upper limit is around 15 or so users] it is customizable: you can add the fields, layouts, scripts, and reports you want. In a pilot project to see how ebase could interactively engage citizens on teh internet, with only 2 days of staff time and no direct cost whatsoever [i.e. for mail/printing] a 20% response rate was achieved on an appeal for public comment on a proposed national forest road building moratorium, all within the original 30 day public comment period. [This is NOT a suggestion that you lobby, only a success story of its use.] It is a runtime application created w/filemaker pro, which means you need no additional software to run it for normal use. Minimim requirements include an Intel-compatible 486/33 or faster, w/at least 8 Mb of Ram, in WIndows 95, 98, or NT [WIndows 3.1 will work w/ an additional software plug in at the site] or any MacIntosh or compatible w/ at least 4 Mb of Ram running Mac OS 7.1 or higher. Making ebase data accessible over a LAN, or customizing templates, requires using FileMaker Pro 4.0 ebase development supported by the Wilburforce Foundation, Brainerd Foundation, Surdna Foundation, REI Foundation, Bullit Foundation, NW Fund for the Environment, Rockefeller Family Fund, Beldon Fund, Nathan Cummings Foundation, Education Foundation of America and FileMaker, Inc. cited on p. 71, "Social Dreams", ISBN 0 948826 51 7, publ 1999 Institute for Social Inventions, 20 Heber Rd, London NW2 6AA, UK email rhino@dial.pipex.com www.globalideasbank.org