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Appeal from a Yugoslav Communist

by Louis Proyect

27 March 1999 14:40 UTC

-----Original Message----- 
From: Ivan Pavlovic <ipavlovi@f.bg.ac.yu 
To: marxism-news@buo319b.econ.utah.edu <marxism-news@buo319b.econ.utah.edu 
Date: Saturday, March 27, 1999 9:08 AM 
Subject: M-NEWS: nato targeted civilians! REACT NOW!!!

Dear comrads,

I will try to report you about results of recent NATO artocities.

1. NATO was not able to crush Yuigoslav air defence in past days. Air
defence is consolidated and first result was shoted F-117 "night falcon"
stealth fighter-bomber. Pilot is captured in Centa, north of belgrade by
angry pesents but police forces unfortunately saved his life. Three more
planes was shoted down yesterday.

2. During the night, attacs on Belgrade was done by B-2 stealth bomber. It
is proof thet NATO sustained heavy loses - they are forced to bomb from
high altitudes with stealth bombers which limited their attack potential.

3. South subrubs of city was targeted. Bot military and civilian targets
was aimed. One rocket fuel dump was destroyed nearby village Sremcica.
Centre for Informations and Alarming gave signal for chemichal danger
because of gases than can be in the atmosphere because explosion. In this
situation , people stayd very calm. I was in the shelte in that moment and
I was also very surprised by calm and firm reactiom.

4. According to the report of republic Headquarter for information and
aAlarming. about 10 schools was hited yesterday durnig the day. City
hospital in Nis, 200 km south of belgrade was hited by two TOMAHAWK
missles. Only miracle saved doctors and 36 patients that sustained only
slight woundeds.

5. This shows two thing. On the first place, NATO attacs was very
unsucessful. They was unable to destroy air defence system in first days of
was as the was planning to do. Second, and the most important thing is that
people of Yugoslavia, not only Serbs, but Gypses, Turks, Hungarians,
Slovaks and others also, decidet to defend Yugoslavia. Wer are ready for
long war if it is neccesery. Parole is NO PASARAN.

6. We are asking all communist and progresive organisations to increase
presure on NATO goverments. Please join any demonstrations contra NATO that
are organised in you town. If there are no demonstrations yet, please
organise it by youself.

7. Attack on Yugoslavia is attack on international system of security
established after second world war. It is brutal aggresion on one sovereign
state that didn't attac neither one neighbour.

8. Newest news. Workers of Zastava car and gun factory in Kragujevac, 170
km south of Belgrade, decide to stay and work in the factory all the time.
They send a message to all NATO goverments and they warned them that attack
on the factory will bring wast devastation and huge number of civilian

9. If communist parties want to send volunteers, thay can contact nearest
Yugoslav embassy. They will provide further instructions. Our struggle is
struggle against fashisme.

10. Please distribute this message to everybody you know. We can't keep our
mouth shout. We have opportunity to archive the first victory of the people
against NATO pact.


Ivan Pavlovic 
Editor - In Chief 
Glasnik SKOJ-a
Nemanjina 34 11000 
Beograd Yugoslavia 
http://members.tripod.com/nkpj/ - JOIN OUR MAILING LIST NOW!!!
http://members.tripod.com/mrta_beograd/ tel/fax: +381.11.642985

`What! The land of the free? Whoever told ya that is your enemy. KNOW YOUR
ENEMY!' -- Rage Against the Machine, "Know Your Enemy"

Louis Proyect

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