X-Confirm-reading-to: Enric BAS <bas@ua.es>
Return-receipt-to: Enric BAS <bas@ua.es>
Date: Sun, 05 Apr 1998 13:23:21 -0100
From: Enric BAS <bas@ua.es>
Subject: Re: literature
In-reply-to: <352A41DA.1169@jhu.edu>
To: chriscd@jhu.edu
Organization: Dpto.SOCIOLOGIA.UdeA
Dear all,
there are an interesting book titled "The World Order after the Gulf=
War Crisis". In this book you can find the papers presented to a=20
Conference developed in Alicante some years ago, coordinated and=
introduced by Jose Ma Tortosa.
The only trouble (or advantage, it depends on the reader) is that=
it is in spanish. The complete quote is:
"El orden mundial tras la crisis de la guerra del golfo", Instituto=
de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert, Alicante, Espana, 1993.
The authors are:Johan Galtung, Andre Gunder Frank, Inmanuel=20
Wallerstein and Silviu Brucan.
Enjoy it. Enric.
"Sabio es aquel que monotoniza la existencia,
pues as=A1 cada m=A1nimo incidente=20
alcanza el privilegio de la maravilla"
Fernando Pessoa
Enric Bas
Dpt of Sociology II
Social Sciences Building
University of Alicante
P.O. BOX 99. E-03080. Alicante. Spain
(f)+34 6 5903795