[Fwd: INVITATION: Special SSSP Panels, co-sponsored by CS]

Thu, 02 Apr 1998 12:20:09 -0500
christopher chase-dunn (chriscd@jhu.edu)

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01 Apr 1998 23:38:44 -0500 (EST)
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01 Apr 1998 22:37:43 -0600 (CST)
Date: Wed, 01 Apr 1998 22:37:39 -0600 (CST)
From: Richard Dello Buono <rdellob@email.dom.edu>
Subject: INVITATION: Special SSSP Panels, co-sponsored by CS
In-reply-to: <19980330.110604.CRITSOC@ULKYVM.LOUISVILLE.EDU>
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larry.t.reynolds@cmich.edu, roz@PIPELINE.COM, ebonacic@wizard.ucr.edu,
tbos@social-sci.ss.emory.edu, brownc@woods.uml.edu, chriscd@jhu.edu,
Organization: Dominican Univ., River Forest, IL

This is an invitation to all affiliates of CRITICAL SOCIOLOGY and
fellow travelers to participate in a special panel discussion being
organized in San Francisco on the future of Radical Sociology. It
takes place in walking distance of the ASA on the day following the
ASA-Marxist Section sessions at the Hotel Nikko San Francisco at the
Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems

Breaking and Entering the Sociological Establishment:
An Open Panel Discussion on the Future of Radical Sociology

Saturday, August 22
2:30 pm - 6:15 pm
Room: White Pearl I

Panel co-sponsored by the journal CRITICAL SOCIOLOGY
and the SSSP Program Committee


Shelley Kowalski, University of Oregon
Kate Stout, Dominican University
Walda Katz Fishman, Howard University
Richard Dello Buono, Dominican University

Panelists: (registration ongoing)

Wanda Alderman-Swain, Seton-Hall University
Ken Bolton, University of Florida
Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, University of Michigan
Richard Dello Buono, Dominican University
Abigail Fuller, Manchester College
Walda Katz Fishman, Howard University and Project South
Shelley Kowalski, University of Oregon
Lauren Langman, Loyola University of Chicago
Jerry Lembcke, Holy Cross College
Janice Monti-Belkaoui, Dominican University
Jerome Scott, Project South
Kate Stout, Dominican University

Registered participants will be listed on the program as
panelists, with name and affiliation. Special registration and
membership rates are available for students, low-income and
unemployed panelists.

Those interested need to send their name and address, phone, fax and
email information ASAP if they wish to appear on the Preliminary SSSP
Program which comes out in May.

Send info NOW to:

Richard A. Dello Buono
Sociology Department
Dominican University
7900 West Division St.
River Forest, IL 60305
FAX: 708-763-0362