Climate change

Tue, 24 Mar 1998 14:18:41 -0700 (MST)
Richard N Hutchinson (rhutchin@U.Arizona.EDU)

World System Network-

Picking up on a thread from a few weeks ago, I'm sure some of you have
seen news of the recent evidence for the likelihood of sudden global

Yes, as part of the revival of catastrophism, we have to fear not only
asteroids, but a sudden Ice Age.

This is not in contradiction with global warming. In fact, it appears
that global warming from industrial emissions may cause the shutdown of
the Atlantic current, precipitating a sudden global cooling. (See Calvin
for the proposed mechanism, which involves increased rainfall and melting
Greenland glaciers.)

I make no claim that this will lead to the demise of capitalism. But it
is one more reason to >>actively hasten<< the demise of "expand or die"
industrial capitalism.

The articles I take this information from are:

"The Great Climate Flip-flop"
William H. Calvin
Atlantic Monthly, January 1998, 47-64


"If Climate Changes, It May Change Quickly --
Past warmings or coolings occurred in decades -- or less"
William K. Stevens
New York Times, 1/27/98, B9-B10.

Richard Hutchinson
University of Arizona