well , the question might be easiER to answer if we were told what
synchronic and whatever [are supposed to ] mean- to us simple worms eye
gunder frank
On Wed,
11 Mar 1998, Christian Harlow wrote:
> Date: Wed, 11 Mar 1998 23:04:11 -0800
> From: Christian Harlow <harlowc@cats.ucsc.edu>
> To: WORLD SYSTEMS NETWORK <wsn@csf.colorado.edu>
> Subject: Re: monocentric - polycentric - reorient
> Dear Colleagues,
> Franks position is not that there is/has been a "monocentric" world
> system; quite the contrary. He argues that there has rarely been
> periods in which one "superhegemon" reigned. Rather, we have usually
> seen interconnected/interlinked hegemons which subsequently rise and
> fall in synchronicity based on a (roughly)500 year cycle.
> His approach (and the empirical reality?) is synchronic and polycentric.
> Some will argue that on the issue of systemic evolution Frank's position
> isn't merely synchronic. To those i ask a simple question: Why is it
> that the logic of accumulation is said to have been the dominant dynamic
> of the system since the Neolithic revolution?
> Best,
> Christian Harlow
> UC Santa Cruz
Andre Gunder Frank
University of Toronto
96 Asquith Ave Tel. 1 416 972-0616
Toronto, ON Fax. 1 416 972-0071
CANADA M4W 1J8 Email agfrank@chass.utoronto.ca
My home Page is at: http://www.whc.neu.edu/whc/resrch&curric/gunder.html