Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 16:50:11 +0100
From: (International Sociological Association)
Subject: COCTA Session
To: Members of the International Sociological Association
ISA XIV World Congress of Sociology, July 26 - August 1, 1998
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
The ISA Research Committee on Conceptual and Terminological
Analysis (RC35) will be sponsoring a roundtable on concepts of
"globalization" at the forthcoming ISA Congress in Montreal.
You are invited to participate by e-mail and in person if you
have used this term in your writings, and especially in the
title of a paper or book.
Increasingly, globalization has penetrated our world and our
consciousness. This may not astonish you, but it at least points
to the growing importance of global context as a replacement of
the state-oriented basis of most thinking in the past - we tend
to equate "society," "country," "wherever!" with a state,
usually the one we live in. As our world system has become
increasingly interdependent at all levels, we need to abandon
our state-centrism and learn to think globally, to realize that
we are part of a world-system which fundamentally affects our
lives - for better or worse - at many levels. However, we are
still uncomfortable doing that and our vocabulary is haunted by
contradictions, among which the meanings of "globalization" are
highly expressive.
If you have used "globalization" in the title of a paper or
book, please send the title, an abstract, and/or any paragraph
in which you discuss the word and its meaning, to
Henry Teune at <
and to
Fred W. Riggs at <
They will compile the results and post them on a Web Page so you
can see the results, and discuss them at a roundtable in
Montreal. Hopefully, this will produce a point of reference that
anyone using "globalization" in the future will be able to use.
They are collecting quotations and articles illustrating how
different authors have used the word and will make them
available to those who respond to this inquiry by e-mail and/or
on a Web Page - a background paper for the Montreal panel will
summarize the findings. The details will be sent to respondents
- please let us know if you are interested.