As someone reading this debate with interest, I must say that it appeared
to me
what you were challenging was not just "anti-communist ideology" but the
idea that the Soviet system was repressive and unjust. You seemed to be
arguing that the Gulags were not all that horrible, yes?
In that case, I think Georgi's comments were appropriate.
It is one thing to take on the myths of consumer culture that sustain
capitalism. I think most people on this list are interested in and aware
of these.
It is another to argue that a vile and repressive regime that terrorized
its population and strangled free speech was just a myth....
If you are want to make a moral argument in favor of communism on a list
that contains not a few historians, you will have to do so on some other
basis than washing out the past.
Ronald J. Deibert
At 07:04 PM 1/22/98 -0500, Andrew Wayne Austin wrote:
>Your attempt to imply that my challenging anti-communist ideology is the
>equivalent of Holocaust denial is outrageous, particularly on a discussion
>group that is supposed to be scholarly. Whatever injustice you feel I
>served up is eclipsed by your employ of this base tactic.
Ronald J. Deibert
Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science
100 St. George Street
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario
Phone: 416-978-5304
Fax: 416-978-5566