tradition vs. innovation (book note on Singh + Gatade)

Wed, 14 Jan 1998 10:30:12 -0500 (EST)
Gernot Kohler (

RK Moore's point of view in recent postings to wsn is very interesting and
welcome. It touches on the problem of tradition versus innovation on the
left, taking the side of innovation. Here is some further support for that
position, broadly conceived, from an unlikely side -- namely, from a
Marxist-Leninist authors' collective in India, which I find quite agreeable
from a left-Keynesian point of view.


R.P. Singh and S. Gatade, eds.
Globalisation of Capital:
An Outline of Recent Changes in the Modus Operandi of Imperialism.
(A Study Commissioned by Lal Parcham and Lok Dasta)
Publisher's address:
S. Gatade, ed., Lok Dasta, F-5/79, LIG Flats, Sector-15, Rohini,
New Delhi-110085.
261 pages. Date: 1997. 300 rupees.
(The title was forwarded to wsn by Alan Spector, April 1997)

Most of the book gives a thorough analysis of globalisation. In the
concluding sections, the authors state that:

"It is the need of the hour, more than ever before, to make an objective
analysis of the situation..." (p. 247) "As if revolutionary analysis
requires permanent prediction of capitalist breakdown. This actually is a
travesty of the scientific method of Marx and Lenin."(p. 247)

"Traditional views...are in need of drastic modifications as they have been
overtaken by sweeping changes of the post-war decades. ... Nor can one agree
with the academic circles or independent Marxists when they claim that such
issues have long been settled." (p. 257)

"Another major issue has been in the background of this study ... It may
roughly be described as the problem of apparent longevity and dynamism of
capitalism which seem to contradict the prognosis of moribundity." (p. 260)
"Left's ... agenda for the future will have a chance to regain popular
acceptance only if these issues are taken up in an effective manner."(p. 261)