wsn 98 jan-apr by thread
Starting: Fri 02 Jan 1998 - 20:47:02 MDT
Ending: Tue 28 Apr 1998 - 10:08:39 MDT
Messages: 430
- rkm's model of the world, 12/97 version Richard K. Moore
- Media as Hegemonic Tool Gareth Barkin
- [Fwd: MARXIST Newsletter on-line: latest issues] Christian
- [Fwd: January-February Issue of the ISA Newsletter is on-line] chris chase-dunn
- Re: Media as Hegemonic Tool Andrew Wayne Austin
- RE: Media as Hegemonic Tool Quee-Young Kim
- RE: Media as Hegemonic Tool Andrew Wayne Austin
- Re: Media as Hegemonic Tool Andrew Wayne Austin
- Re: Media as Hegemonic Tool Andrew Wayne Austin
- Capitalism & Biosphere Peter Grimes
- ideology, capitalism, environment Christian
- Re: contradictions of capitalism Richard K. Moore
- RE: Media as Hegemonic Tool Denis O'Hearn
- Re: Capitalism & Biosphere Paul Augustine
- Re: Media as Hegemonic Tool Paul Augustine
- Psychology of Consumerism Gareth Barkin
- Re: Media as Hegemonic Tool Andrew Wayne Austin
- Re: contradictions of capitalism Andrew Wayne Austin
- Re: Is it just capitalism or is it the ideology? Richard K. Moore
- Re: contradictions of capitalism Richard K. Moore
- Re: contradictions of capitalism Andrew Wayne Austin
- Re: contradictions of capitalism Richard K. Moore
- Re: contradictions of capitalism Paul Augustine
- Re: contradictions of capitalism William Kirk
- Clarification on Luhmann? Lars Jensen
- NGO Networks Jake Elkins
- Re: capitalism, marxism, and revolution Richard K. Moore
- Re: capitalism, marxism, and revolution Andrew Wayne Austin
- Leipzig conference J B Owens
- CFP: Econ. Hist. Assoc. J B Owens
- Re: capitalism, marxism, and revolution Richard K. Moore
- Re: capitalism, marxism, and revolution Andrew Wayne Austin
- NGO Networks -Reply Richard Ragland
- formidable opponents Adam K. Webb
- x ProfTabb
- [Fwd: January-February Issue of the ISA Newsletter is on-line] christopher chase-dunn
- restart - re: Marxism Richard K. Moore
- Re: restart - re: Marxism Andrew Wayne Austin
- Re: contradictions of capitalism, and World Views as they Athanasios
- Re: Media as Hegemonic Tool d.parthasarathy
- Re: restart - re: Marxism Andrew Wayne Austin
- A Reinforcing Orthodoxy christopher chase-dunn
- World systems web resources Bill Eichenlaub
- Re: restart - re: Marxism Andrew Wayne Austin
- Re: Reinforcing orthodoxies Rene B
- Communist Manifesto: critique by Petras (fwd) Richard K. Moore
- Re: contradictions of capitalism, and World Views as they relate to Ritchard and Andy William Kirk
- Corporations and judicial interpretation Charles J. Reid
- tradition vs. innovation (book note on Singh + Gatade) Gernot Kohler
- Kohler remarks/Moore-Austin Debate Carolyn Ballard
- Re: Kohler remarks/Moore-Austin Debate Andrew Wayne Austin
- Re: Who doesn't need to know? (fwd) Charles J. Reid
- Re: tradition vs. innovation Richard K. Moore
- rkm's model of revolution & democracy Richard K. Moore
- Kohler remarks/Moore-Austin Debate Carolyn Ballard
- Re: Kohler remarks/Moore-Austin Debate Andrew Wayne Austin
- Moore, Austin, and Brussels sprouts s_sanderson
- Re: Corporations and judicial interpretation Eric L. Palmer
- Re: contradictions of capitalism, and World Views as they relate to Richard and Andy. William Kirk
- Re: Moore, Austin, and Brussels sprouts Andrew Wayne Austin
- Re: rkm's model of revolution & democracy Dennis R Redmond
- Re: rkm's model of revolution & democracy Adam K. Webb
- Re: rkm's model of revolution & democracy Andrew Wayne Austin
- Freedom for Toni Negri & italian political prisonners (fwd) Richard N Hutchinson
- Re: responses to "revolution & democracy" Richard K. Moore
- re: Austin on democracy and capitalism Richard K. Moore
- JWSR Fall '97 now available Salvatore Babones
- re: Austin on democracy and capitalism Andrew Wayne Austin
- re: Austin on democracy and capitalism Richard K. Moore
- re: Austin on democracy and capitalism Andrew Wayne Austin
- innovation in utopia Shawn Terrell
- PEWS Round Table CFP Thomas D. [Tom] Hall, THALL@DEPAUW.EDU
- 11th hour CFP Thomas D. [Tom] Hall, THALL@DEPAUW.EDU
- re: definition of "Mom & Pop" Richard K. Moore
- profits and incentives s_sanderson
- Incentives & innovation Georgi M. Derluguian
- PEWS jeff sommers
- Re: profits and incentives Paul Augustine
- Re: profits and incentives Andrew Wayne Austin
- re: definition of "Mom & Pop" Andrew Wayne Austin
- Re: profits and incentives d.parthasarathy
- the Soviet Union and the quality of life s_sanderson
- civility christopher chase-dunn
- Ravi Batra: CRASH COMING (fwd) Richard K. Moore
- Re: the Soviet Union and the quality of life Andrew Wayne Austin
- the Soviet Union and the quality of life Thomas D. [Tom] Hall, THALL@DEPAUW.EDU
- Re: the Soviet Union and the quality of life d.parthasarathy
- Re: profits and incentives Athanasios
- Re: the Soviet Union and the quality of life Dennis R Redmond
- Re: the Soviet Union and the quality of life Andrew Wayne Austin
- Capitalism, socialism, and the quality of life s_sanderson
- Gulag Georgi M. Derluguian
- Sources of polis inventiveness Georgi M. Derluguian
- dissent Shawn Terrell
- Call for Papers Carl H.A. Dassbach
- Re: Capitalism, socialism, and the quality of life Richard N Hutchinson
- Re: Gulag Andrew Wayne Austin
- Re: Gulag Ronald J. Deibert
- Capitalism/Marxism Alan Spector
- Re: Gulag Andrew Wayne Austin
- Re: Gulag Dennis R Redmond
- Spector's Contribution Adam Kessler
- Re: Spector's Contribution d.parthasarathy
- Greek polis Rene Barendse
- soviet reply (fwd) Gunder Frank
- more (fwd) Gunder Frank
- convoluted paranoid Marxist response jeff sommers
- jeff's japan an' stuff Gunder Frank
- Re: Gulag Andrew Wayne Austin
- On collapse of USSR Thomas D. [Tom] Hall, THALL@DEPAUW.EDU
- standard of living s_sanderson
- response to Parthasarathy s_sanderson
- Re: standard of living Richard N Hutchinson
- Re: PEWS website Terry Boswell
- Small treatise on Soviet glories Georgi M. Derluguian
- On Socialist Development Andrew Wayne Austin
- Re: Small treatise on Soviet glories Andrew Wayne Austin
- response to Parthasarathy james m blaut
- Re: the Andrew thread & socialism vs capitalism Richard K. Moore
- LIBOR Rates Diego Miranda
- Re: Gulag Andrew Wayne Austin
- Who needs to know what? William Kirk
- Third world socialism/capitalism Rene Barendse
- Re: Who needs to know what? Dennis R Redmond
- Re: Gulag Andrew Wayne Austin
- Re: the Andrew thread & socialism vs capitalism Adam Kessler
- Re: the Andrew thread & socialism vs capitalism Adam Kessler
- Re: the Andrew thread & socialism vs capitalism Andrew Wayne Austin
- Gulag, etc. Adam Kessler
- Re: the Andrew thread & socialism vs capitalism Adam Kessler
- Re: the Andrew thread & socialism vs capitalism Andrew Wayne Austin
- Re: the Andrew thread & socialism vs capitalism DR. PHUA KAI LIT
- Re: Cuba, democracy, socialism, and capitalism Richard K. Moore
- Re: socialism vs capitalism (PHUA KAI LIT) Richard K. Moore
- standard of living s_sanderson
- reply to Blaut s_sanderson
- reply to Blaut s_sanderson
- Re: standard of living Charles McKelvey
- Re: your mail Richard N Hutchinson
- Ecological Keynesianism Georgi M. Derluguian
- capitalism, socialism, and revolution s_sanderson
- revolutions
- Re: your mail
- Re: capitalism, socialism, and revolution Andrew Wayne Austin
- Perspective, please Alan Spector
- Re: Who needs to know what? Athanasios
- standard of living james m blaut
- Soviet collospe Andrew Hund
- Re: Who needs to know what? Dennis R Redmond
- Re: Cuba, democracy, socialism, and capitalism Adam Kessler
- Re: convoluted paranoid Marxist response Dennis R Redmond
- Re: convoluted paranoid Marxist response & Japan Richard K. Moore
- Japan s_sanderson
- Japan s_sanderson
- New Pics for your Dart Board Thomas D. [Tom] Hall, THALL@DEPAUW.EDU
- Cuba, democracy, socialism and capitalism Charles McKelvey
- Re: Cuba, democracy, socialism and capitalism Andrew Wayne Austin
- Re: Japan Dennis R Redmond
- Re: sub GSchoen255
- Prince Edward Island vs MAI: the revolution begins! Richard K. Moore
- Re: Cuban democracy Richard K. Moore
- "A.Y. Kamara" <kamara@WIZ.UNI-KASSEL.DE>: Watch Out: Katharine P Moseley
- new front page for the Journal of World-Systems Research christopher chase-dunn
- Cuban pride Georgi M. Derluguian
- Re: Cuban pride Dennis R Redmond
- Re: Who needs to know what? Dennis R Redmond
- Re: Cuban pride Andrew Wayne Austin
- Re: capitalism, socialism, and revolution Andrew Wayne Austin
- Re: socialism vs nationalism Richard K. Moore
- Re: EU Richard K. Moore
- FW: Immanuel Wallerstein on Eurocentrism Carolyn Ballard
- Re: FW: Immanuel Wallerstein on Eurocentrism Andrew Wayne Austin
- Re: EU Dennis R Redmond
- Colonial America Paula Sherman
- Re: Cuban pride Dennis R Redmond
- Re: Colonial America Gunder Frank
- Socialism, Capitalism, and Inequality Andrew Wayne Austin
- early colonial period and wst Thomas D. [Tom] Hall, THALL@DEPAUW.EDU
- cj#767> Learning from Cuba Richard K. Moore
- EU & globalism Dennis R Redmond
- Re: EU & globalism Andrew Wayne Austin
- Re: EU & globalism Dennis R Redmond
- Re: EU & globalism Andrew Wayne Austin
- Re: EU & globalism (Dennis) Richard K. Moore
- Re: inevitable collapse of global capitalism (Andrew) Richard K. Moore
- Re: EU Richard N Hutchinson
- Re: EU & globalism Dennis R Redmond
- EU & globalism William Kirk
- socialism vs capitalism DR. PHUA KAI LIT
- gunder's round christopher chase-dunn
- returned messages s_sanderson
- missing the chat Richard K. Moore
- Re: missing the chat Paul Augustine
- Re: inevitable collapse of global capitalism (Andrew) William Kirk
- financial regulation and unintended consequences Adam K. Webb
- Seminar in Cuba Charles McKelvey
- Re: inevitable collapse of global capitalism (Andrew) Dennis R Redmond
- [Fwd: Call for Papers on Globalization] christopher chase-dunn
- [Fwd: [Fwd: Request to call Senators toll-free @ MAI tomorrow!]] christopher chase-dunn
- Re: MAI tomorrow! Debjani Das
- Re: inevitable collapse of global capitalism (Andrew) William Kirk
- Fwd: Your help urgently Needed For Chiapas World-Wide Online Campaign!
- Iraq, Clinton, and the NWO Richard K. Moore
- Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Summer School Fulvio ATTINA'
- World Systems Theory (fwd) Joya Misra
- (Fwd) (Fwd) [sangkancil] Deadly smog returns to threaten Asia DR. PHUA KAI LIT
- [Fwd: (long) AHA: *ReOrient* (fwd)] christopher chase-dunn
- Crime in the world-system Georgi M. Derluguian
- Asian Economic "Melt Down" C. Hewitt
- Re: Iraq, Clinton, and the NWO
- gunder frank Re: Asian Economic "Melt Down" Gunder Frank
- Re: Asian Economic "Melt Down" Dennis R Redmond
- MAI Treaty: Your ad in the New York Times (Feb. 13) CAP *Erie-Lincoln*
- Re: Asian Economic "Melt Down" Dennis R Redmond
- Re: Asia Economic Meltdown Rene Barendse
- Re: Asia Economic Meltdown
- Re: Iraq, Clinton, and the NWO Athanasios
- Fw: Crime in the world-system - comments by Arno Tausch on Derluguian Austrian Embassy
- iraq-think again Gunder Frank
- Reagan airport Thomas D. [Tom] Hall, THALL@DEPAUW.EDU
- Re: Asian Economic "Melt Down" Dennis R Redmond
- Fw: February 1998 Le Monde Austrian Embassy
- Re: Asian Economic Melt Down Richard K. Moore
- RE: Asian Economic Melt Down Quee-Young Kim
- follow up re: Asian Economic Melt Down Richard K. Moore
- Security debate Enough Sishi
- session on christopher chase-dunn
- Job Opening Terrence Mc Donough
- [Fwd: Work Conference] christopher chase-dunn
- Iraq in Columbus, Washington, New York et al Gunder Frank
- The Media, the US, and Iraq Bruce M Podobnik
- cj#780> Desert Holocaust - ongoing Crime Against Humanity Richard K. Moore
- [Fwd: COCTA Session] christopher chase-dunn
- Re: THE MASTER PLAN William Kirk
- ah, the "free press" (fwd) Gunder Frank
- The REAL WAR yet to come Richard Ragland
- "Wall Street's Imperialism" - a CHRONICLES column (March 1998) CAP *Erie-Lincoln*
- cj#781> *ALERT* Internet Vulnerability * COUNTERMEASURES * Richard K. Moore
- [Fwd: ISA Presidential Letter no.8] christopher chase-dunn
- COLOMBIA: Reports of More Massacres in Antioquia and Cesar Dennis Grammenos
- Canadian petition opposing Canada's role in Iraq crisis CAP *Erie-Lincoln*
- Immanuel Wallerstein's "Ecology and Capitalist Costs of Production: No Exit" M.A.&N.G. Jones
- [Fwd: ISA Special Session] christopher chase-dunn
- East Asian Crisis Paper JEFF HENDERSON
- cj#784> Iraq: Fiction, Truth, and Response Richard K. Moore
- Ecology, Catastrophe, Capitalism Peter Grimes
- misunderstanding the enemy Adam K. Webb
- Global Warming Peter Grimes
- Re: Global Warming Athanasios
- Re: Global Warming #2 Mark Jones
- Re: Global Warming #2 William Kirk
- comparative environmental stress Gernot Kohler
- Manufacturing Consent -- NYT War-mongering:Biowarfare Dennis Grammenos
- Fw: Mars 1998 - Logiques... Austrian Embassy
- China Terrell at Johns Hopkins University L. China Terrell
- International Studies Association panels of relevance for world christopher chase-dunn
- PEWs conference at Northwestern Univ. christopher chase-dunn
- Re: Mars 1998 - Logiques... Algora Publishing
- countries and companies
- copmanies and countries Austrian Embassy
- Re: Immanuel Wallerstein's "Ecology and Capitalist Costs of Production: No Exit" d.parthasarathy
- Re: Immanuel Wallerstein's "Ecology and Capitalist Costs of Production: No Exit" Andrew Wayne Austin
- [Fwd: [Fwd: no more billions for IMF!]] christopher chase-dunn
- "Osman A. Sankoh" <SANKOH@OMEGA.STATISTIK.UNI-DORTMUND.DE>: Katharine P Moseley
- [Fwd: [Fwd: Duke: new licensing code]] christopher chase-dunn
- (Katharine P Moseley): "Osman A. Sankoh" Katharine P Moseley
- A Polanyiean item from the international news Austrian Embassy
- monocentric - polycentric - reorient Gernot Kohler
- Re: monocentric - polycentric - reorient Gunder Frank
- Re: monocentric - polycentric - reorient Gunder Frank
- Re: monocentric - polycentric - reorient Andrew Wayne Austin
- [Fwd: Presentations] Robert J.S. Bob Ross
- Re: monocentric - polycentric - reorient
- new use for the moon Adam K. Webb
- Re: new use for the moon Paul Augustine
- Neolithic and accumulation Thomas D. [Tom] Hall, THALL@DEPAUW.EDU
- Fw: March 1998 Le Monde Diplomatique Austrian Embassy
- Gunder Frank comment on W-S in REVIEW (fwd) Gunder Frank
- some quick comments on Gunder's post Thomas D. [Tom] Hall, THALL@DEPAUW.EDU
- in response to tom hall Gunder Frank
- ANNOUNCEMENT: Democratic Renaissance / International Workshop Richard K. Moore
- Fw: La poudriere du Kosovo Austrian Embassy
- reorient global apartheid Gernot Kohler
- Re: reorient global apartheid Jeffrey W Sommers
- Reply to Gernot james m blaut
- more jobs Terrence Mc Donough
- more jobs Terrence Mc Donough
- Polish News Bulletin on widening inequality in Poland Austrian Embassy
- videos for classroom use Quee-Young Kim
- Re: videos for classroom use
- Environmentalism or Racism Michael Dorsey
- Climate change Richard N Hutchinson
- Re: Climate change Andrew Wayne Austin
- testing of past prognoses Nikolai S. Rozov
- testing of past prognoses Nikolai S. Rozov
- CPSR guilty of censorship, high-handed behavior, lies, and cover-up Richard K. Moore
- Ken Pomeranz on population etc in China & Europe Gunder Frank
- CADRE> Workshop update Richard K. Moore
- inadequate demand in the world system (Singh + Zammit) Gernot Kohler
- FOREST BILL (fwd) Peter Grimes
- * The case of CYBERJOURNAL vs. CPSR is now resolved * Richard K. Moore
- response to question/ how can it be done (fwd) Gernot Kohler
- RE: videos for classroom use Quee-Young Kim
- Re: population/cultural particularity of Europe
- Re: population/cultural particularity of Europe Crichlow - Gerry
- [Fwd: Bielefeld Prize] christopher chase-dunn
- Two new books on political economy Fei-ling Wang
- special issue of JWSR christopher chase-dunn
- Journal of World-Systems Research christopher chase-dunn
- [Fwd: INVITATION: Special SSSP Panels, co-sponsored by CS] christopher chase-dunn
- world congress of sociology-montreal christopher chase-dunn
- inadequate demand in the world system (Mandel) Gernot Kohler
- cj#796> *-> Announcement: PEOPLES PRESS INTERNATIONAL (PPI) Richard K. Moore
- (Fwd) (Fwd) [sangkancil] 'Asian values' idea: Is it out? DR. PHUA KAI LIT
- Arabs & Iran Contemplate A Different Middle East (fwd)
- US hegemony is virtually unchallengable Richard K. Moore
- literature Thomas Nielebock
- Re: literature Georgi M. Derluguian
- Re: literature Gunder Frank
- Re: literature David Smith
- [Fwd: Re: literature] christopher chase-dunn
- Re: literature Gunder Frank
- Personal appeal for solidarity with Nicaraguan maquila workers Dale W Wimberley
- World systems and worldviews compciv
- Worldviews and world systems compciv
- Re: Ozone/enviro global politics lit. J.Timmons Roberts
- World systems and worldviews compciv
- Re: ESSAY>On US Hegemony Richard K. Moore
- Ernest Hamilton <>: Re: "compciv"
- Hassan Sisay <hassan_sisay@MACGATE.CSUCHICO.EDU>: FW: Dual
- (Fwd) [sangkancil] Lives risked in "heinous" asylum refusal DR. PHUA KAI LIT
- Invitation to contribute: "Globalization and the Revolutionary Imperative" Richard K. Moore
- Between a Rock and a Hard Place: a Dialogue on American Sweatshops, Robert J.S. Bob Ross
- Fw: gets a New Look Austrian Embassy
- The superb new issue of Le Monde Diplomatique April 1998 Austrian Embassy
- Fw: New web site on democracy, democide, and war Austrian Embassy
- Re: New web site on democracy, democide, and war Thomas Griffiths
- [Fwd: ESA Conference] christopher chase-dunn
- [Fwd: Citizen's Gathering in D.C. Protest MAI and Corporate Power] christopher chase-dunn
- kohler on global money christopher chase-dunn
- Kohler - comments from Arno Tausch Austrian Embassy
- From: the International Commission of the FZLN. (fwd) PAT.LAUDERDALE@ASU.Edu
- (Fwd) Millennium Institute News, April 1998 Nikolai S. Rozov
- 2 'Millenniums', sorry Nikolai S. Rozov
- [Fwd: IS-Notes: New Issue on-line!] christopher chase-dunn
- Fw: Le Monde on Chiapas Austrian Embassy
- Fw: gernot's interesting comment Austrian Embassy
- Leave Fei-ling Wang
- Please forward! Sing Chew
- re: Implications of the "Business-As-Usual" Scenario (was: `please forward') Richard K. Moore
- re: Implications of the "Business-As-Usual" Scenario (was: `please PAT.LAUDERDALE@ASU.Edu
- re: Implications of the "Business-As-Usual" Scenario (was: `please forward') Richard K. Moore
Last message date: Tue 28 Apr 1998 - 10:08:39 MDT
Archived on: Sun May 31 1998 - 07:47:10 MDT
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