Seeking clarification/opinions on Peer Polity

Fri, 11 Dec 1998 14:27:35 -0700
Kharyssa Rhodes (

Hello everyone !

I am currently writing a comparison of (Peer Polity Interaction) PPI and WST
for a grad course. I have come across references in my PPI readings which
considers WST a completely separate and unrelated theory to itself. However,
I have also come across WST references which imply that PPI is a type of
World Systems analysis.

It seems to me in reading these two theories that PPI is indeed an early
outgrowth of WST, but one which is grounded in Processual archaeology's
definitions and assumptions.

What is the scoop? Is PPI indeed a type of WS analysis in denial of such? Or
is it truly an academically separated theoretical approach to interaction?
I'd appreciate any input.

Kharyssa Rhodes
University of Colorado