Re: Workshop on Education for Sustainability - Second Nature

Mon, 28 Sep 1998 10:02:08 -0700
National Centre for Sustainability (

Dear Mr. Slayman:

Thank you for inviting us to your regional workshops on sustainability (your
post of 13:29 18/09/98 -0400, with reference to your Website, which I

Your text began with: "Second Nature invites you to attend our 1998 Southeast
Regional Workshop on Education for Sustainability.  The focus of this
is on connecting curriculum development to campus sustainability
Curriculum can be an effective leverage point for transforming colleges and
universities into an environment where students learn skills, knowledge and
values to live and work in an environmentally sustainable and just manner."

etc.... (SNIP to save bandwidth)

I have for questions about your organization and project:

1. What is your definition of sustainability?

2. Are you sure you are in a position effectively to do what you propose to
In other words, are you sure your group can teach about sustainability and
really create "an effective leverage point for transforming colleges and
universities into an environment where students learn skills, knowledge and
values to live and work in an environmentally sustainable and just manner."

3. Where are your operational funds coming from?

4. What is it you aim for really?

Thank you in advance for your answer.

Yves Bajard, Secretary, National Centre for Sustainability, Victoria and
Vancouver, Canada.