living peoples

Wed, 09 Sep 1998 07:49:18 +0300
Ahmet Cakmak (


We can distinguish three zone in today's third world ( I ignore
continental countries,that is india and china): East Asia, Latin America
and Islamic countries.Lets begin with last one. We can range these
countries from Turkey ( relatively most democratic and secular one) to
Talaban's Afghanistan ( darkest one). The cases of Afghanistan,Pakistan
and Iran,even Algeria seems hopeless,at least in the short run. In other
words,it is unrealistic to expect a leftist governance in these
governance in the short run. Countries such as Egypt,Iraq and Morocco
has shown no signals for a leftist political gövernance candidate ,at
least according to my information.Turkey gains a special importance in
this context. It is the only islamic country which secular education,
secular law system and a limited democracy can still survive. If Turkey
can shows good performance it can be a model , a light for the dark
parts of the islamic world. And Turkey seems the only country which left
has the chance of governance.I will turn this point below.
East Asia: Especially in the leftist literature the tendency to put all
east asian countries to same basket prevails. This is wrong,It does not
correspond the reality.Moreover this is especialy important from my
project's point of view: I insist: South Korea is different and still is
unique. The only country can ba classified with her is Taiwan.Thats all.
Singapore and HongKong are city states.They are special cases to
ignore.The problem is: You cannot put South Korea and the others (
Malaysia,Thiland,Philliphines,Indonesia,Vietnam) same basket. The others
tries to 'develop' by using their so-called 'cheap labor'
advantage.Indeed,Their political leaders challange the human rights and
democratization attacks of west just using this argument: 'This is our
way of development'. In short, South Korea tried to develop sectors to
exports products of advanced technology and they succeed. This is the
point. I think the answer to the question of ' How' lies in the South
Korea of 1950's and 60'. Left must find the answer of this question : '
What happened there in fifties and sixties ?'.
But there seems no signals for a leftist political candidate in these
countries too.I don't know the hidden inner political dynamics of these
countries,if there are any. But at least on the surface there is no
As a result, only candidates for a new left survival seems latin
american countries and Turkey.According to my opinion,chipas revolt is
not a model for such a revival. It is just a sympathetic resistance to
so-called new world order: It shows no signs and potentials for
development.The most important actual reality is Brasilian Labor Party
in this context.
Now,lets turn to the problem of a new left strategy in Latin America and
Turkey. I think conditions of a new social democrat-radical left
alliance emerged. The right wing of social democracy,that is the wing
which accepted the rules of imperialism ( Blair,Gonzales,Baykal ext...)
cannot find a place in this alliance. And adventurers,terrorists and
neuvrotics of radical left cannot find a place in this alliance too. But
there is no real reason to prevent a unity of others in todays
conditions except nostalgic rhetorics and reflexes of past.So,the first
step: unity of social democrats and radical left of latin American and
Turkey's left. If this can be realized this unity ,I believe ,
immediately will become a gravity point. So the second step is the
support of trade unions,youth,green and feminist movements to this
unity,even the support of small business and peasantry. Third step is
the offer of this new and unneglectable political power to 'capital' a
compromise: a national compromise,but this time 'leftist national
compromise'. The pillars of this compromise: democratisation and
technological leap forward. As I try to explain you in my previous
papers this means a leftist government which give support to investments
for products with advanced technology and heavy taxes to monetary funds
reject to do this.