living people's concrete problems

Sat, 18 Jul 1998 22:43:37 +0300
Ahmet Cakmak (

This is an intensive and compact explanation of my thoughts on the new
agenda of world radical left. It is a brief summary.Becouse I would like
to learn your first impressions.Then,if I feel that you want to discuss
on it,to learn more about it,I send a detailed version of it.
I presented my views to the 1995 annual meeting of CSE under the title
of ‘Labor-dominated democracy: A third world perspective’. Nowadays I
plan to write o book on it. But I have decided to discuss it in this
internet forum with you before writing the book.
First of all I want to say that I wish I write in my own language.
English provide me advantage to express myself better at some points,but
at some points it become a fetter for me. I wish the reader don’t forget

My first assumption is : It seems there is no possibility of revolution
in near term,lets say in short term.Here ,by revolution I mean the
abolition of waged labor or capitalist relations of production. By
short term I mean : At this stage of world capitalism it is not possible
to make a revolution ( in the meaning above) in one country,even in one
region. It follows from that the short term will continue till the
conditions of a real revolution created. We still don’t know what this
conditions are.
Radical left,in general, has determined its strategies to make
revolution. This is its history. Therefore radical leftists only knows:
a) to critisize capitalism, b) to think on how to make revolution,and c)
to act in their suppozed direction of revolution. So,the only thing they
can do today is to look around to understand what’s going on or to
survive their moral by looking the events like chipas’ unrest.
We must rethink on the core principles of left thinking.At this point,it
gains importance to determine the distinguishing features of radical
left.The aim of the radical left is to abolish exploitation at the level
of states,classes,races,genders,sexes ext.But this only a long run
goal.Of course,radical left always keeps this goal,it is their vision.
But the same goal (not itself,the wrong interpretation of radical
leftists it) leads to political rigitidy ,self-alienation,loss of
adaptability and adjustment for radical left.In short,we can say that
radical left has no theories and policies for short term.
The basic points of radical left for a short term strategy under today’s
conditions: Social Democracy has accepted the rules of capital.
Gonzales,Blair,Baykal (leader of Turkey’s social-democratic party)
....They all defend privatisation,globalisation and so on. Differences
within the working class is growing. The so-called marxian thesis that
every laborer has same interests becouse they all sell their labour
power is a political,social,and even economic absurditiy.

Another basic point of my approach,this time at theoretical level: I
believe that the main conflict of the modern world system is the
conflict between the center and the periphery. But this is not rests on
unequal exchange : Unequal exchange theory rests on assumptions which
has no correspondance in real world. I think the correct concept we must
use to explain the differences between core and periphery is
technological rent. And this concept open the way for a new left
Radical left has not give the importance to south Korea it deserve. It
is not a simple military dictatorship case. This is the first country
which succeed to jump to first class,the center countries group in the
history of capitalism ( some people can say that it is not a member of
the first class.This is a very weak claim.South Korea passed the
critical point.The rest of the story is only a time problem.Last crisis
has no pecularities which changes this reality.But don’t forget: I refer
only south Korea,not to others.You can add Taiwan,of course). Today this
country sell the world high-tech products,machines ext.They created
Hyundai,Samsung ext.
And The center changed its policies.As you know,they advocate human
rights and democracy today.Becouse this is the way to lower the
competitive advantage of this country ( and potential others) based on
cheap labor.
One of the core principles of traditional radical left: ‘keep away from
capitalist production’. Just support the activities for redistribution
of income in favor of laboring classes. This is one of the obstacles,I
think,which prevent for radical left to see new strategy opportunities.
The left of third world countries always defend democracy.They demand
more democracy. Production ? no,thanks.We will interested with this
subject only after the revolution.
Maybe in the second half of the 19.century and some parts of 20. Century
the demand for revolution and to fight against poverty overlapped.
But,now the situation changed: There are hundred millions of people who
suffered poverty in this planet now, only radical leftists can defend
policies in favor of them,the revolution ( I want to repeat once again:
to abolish waged labor) is far away from us,and we insist to do nothing
except to think and struggle (?) for revolution. I call this
self-alienation of left.
The crucial points of the strategy I offer: We need a new left.Becouse
social democracy become a modest right-wing political organisation: they
accept the conditions of the current mode of capital accumulation. And
Becouse radical left become a revolution-fethisist: Their only interest
is their nostalgic imaginery revolution. They suffer self-alienation.
Two programatic pillars of the third world leftist parties must be:
Democracy and advanced technology. ?f your flag slogan is only democracy
this means: everybody can develop and express her demands,they can
organise freely to force these demands.....But there are no means to
realise these demands. ?s this a joke ? Third world left must struggle
for a production based on advanced technology.Today this means
microelectronics,biotechnology ext. This will lead to a redistribution
of world technological rent in favor of third world on the one hand,and
its gradual disappearance on the other. In the long run,third world
leftist parties will gain support of great masses to go further goals
and the the sleeping giant ( workers of the center countries) will awake
thanks to loss of welfare as a result of this redistribution.
The economic policy to conduct this strategy: cheap credit,no tax and
other supports to capital which invested to production with advanced
technology,heavy taxation to others.This is the only way to fight with
poverty and to make possible democratisation in third world.Only way to
do something substantial for the people who live today and suffer heavy
difficulties to survive.

Ahmet Çakmak,
Marmara University,