Thu, 09 Oct 1997 10:37:01 -0700 (MST)

Lives in the Balance: Perspectives on Global Injustice and
Inequality (Brill Publishing, The Netherlands) now is
available. The book is an extension of the June 1997 Special
Issue on Justice in Controversy, International Journal of
Comparative Sociology, Volume XXXVIII.

The book suggests that we find ourselves in a world that
reflects a deep tension between the hegemonic facade of global
corporate capitalism and representative democracy on the one
hand, and the contingent, fragmentary quality of postcolonial
life on the other. How (indeed, whether) this dialectic will be
reconciled in the new millennium is not merely a question for
academic consideration, but has real implications for the lives
of people, especially those in the "developing" world who are
caught at the interstices of these conflicting trends. This
book provides a window into the souls of people struggling for
self-determination, equality, and justice via a comparative,
critical sociological perspective.

The Library of Congress listing is: HM146.L58 1997
The ISBN is: 90 04 10875 0
The ISSN is: 0074-8684