Re: World Party

Wed, 1 Oct 1997 17:37:08 -0400 (EDT)
Adam K. Webb (akwebb@yuma.Princeton.EDU)

This posting deals with what to many comrades seems the less
compelling of our current two topics--world government. The assumption by
many on our list, and in Wagar's "Short History of the Future," is that a
movement such as the World Party should devote considerable attention to
cross-regional mass support, including in the North. I fully support the
idea of a coordinated global movement to restructure world order, but I
have a simple question for all of you. Does anyone seriously expect
Northern populations not to have to be dragged kicking and screaming into
a new order?
Rather, such a movement should devise a strategy for assuming
power globally over the opposition of this fifteen percent of the
population. This would involve bogging the USA+EU+Japan down in
pan-Southern counterinsurgency, fomenting immigrant and underclass
volatility, destabilising Northern economies by disrupting transnational
economic links (eg. oil), splitting the Northern leadership as it attempts
to save its own necks, and ultimately carrying out an occupation of those
areas of the world that consistently obstruct majority will. Such a
strategy, I emphasise, would bypass Southern governments altogether as
wholly irrelevant in the new transnational order. A truly global
movement, in other words....
Any reactions? (I am thankful rotten tomatoes do not travel by


Adam K. Webb
Department of Politics
Princeton University
Princeton NJ 08544 USA