Re: comrades!

Thu, 2 Oct 1997 02:28:45 +1000
Eberhard Wenzel (

On 1 Oct 97 at 19:16, Andrey Korotayev wrote:

> At present (though actually almost since 1918) "tovarishchi" in Russia is
> used as almost a sinonyme of "communists" - surprisingly the same can be
> said about some Arab countries: originally neutral rafi:q (pl. rifa:q -
> "friend, companion") in some places became virtually sinonymous to
> "communist", e.g. the bloody conflict inside the Yemen Socialist [though,
> actually, Communist] Party in Aden in 1986 was described by the
> non-coommunist Arab press as "h*arb al-rifa:q" ("the War of the Comrades").

Andrey, I wonder whether our Western educated people will understand what
you're saying.

Greetings from *down under* to Good Ol' Mother Russia.

Eberhard Wenzel MA PhD
Griffith University
Australian School of Environmental Studies
Nathan, Qld. 4111
Tel.: 61-7-3875 7103
Fax: 61-7-3875 7459

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Oscar Wilde