Re: comrades!

Tue, 30 Sep 1997 11:10:40 +0100
Mike Procter (

At 14:08 29/09/97 -0500, you wrote:
>After the massive events of 1989 in Eastern Europe and 1991 in the Soviet
>Union, I find it simply mind-boggling that any sane person would address anyone
>with the term "comrades."
>Stephen Sanderson

I suppose what I find most boggling is that enough comrades care about this
person's views to think it worth while to respond to them. And no, I don't
think I'm being inconsistent!

Mike Procter
Department of Sociology
University of Surrey
Guildford GU2 5XH

voice 01483 300800 ext 2796
fax 01483 306290