[Fwd: Peace and War section]

Fri, 08 Aug 1997 14:12:58 -0400
christopher chase-dunn (chriscd@jhu.edu)

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.


attention marxist and pews sections:


by jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu (950413.SGI.8.6.12/950213.SGI.AUTOCF)
chriscd@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu; Tue, 05 Aug 1997 00:06:13 -0400 (EDT)
04 Aug 1997 21:02:08 -0700 (PDT)
04 Aug 1997 20:59:12 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Mon, 04 Aug 1997 20:59:12 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Mary Anna C. Colwell" <maccolwell@igc.apc.org>
Subject: Peace and War section
Sender: maccolwell@igc.org
To: starry@warwick.netb, lr6694@sunams.usma.army.mil, chriscd@jhu.edu,
chaisinb@saturn.montclair.edu, dconley@maismus-inc.com,
pgcoy@suvm.acs.syr.edu, john_crist@usip.org, amcrowly@uci.edu, kennyc@unm.edu,

Dear Colleagues in the Peace and War section and other friends in ASA,

In a recent mailing from the ASA I learned to my great surprise that
sections will be required to meet a minimum membership number of 300 over
the next two years. Those which do not meet this number MAY be continued as
official sections but only after a judgement about the vitality of the
section, quality of work, etc. As with the peace movement and the
"downsized" military establishment, we may be small, but lots of good work
goes on among our members. However, sections kept alive via qualitative
criteria alone will have only one official session at the annual meeting. So
we need to work on the numbers.

We urge you to come to all the great sessions planned in Toronto especially
#385 considering the role of peace and war studies in sociology and to the
business meeting Tuesday morning at 11:30 following the round table session
(#341). After that the name change task force will meet - all are welcome -
and changing the name may be one strategy for attracting new members between
now and the Chicago meeting in 1999.

Cerainly we hope every member will encourage departmental colleagues and
graduate students with any interest in the field to sign up as long term
members. Plus asking anyone you know who has done work on peace,
nonviolence, social conflict or military sociology in the past, but is not
now a member of the section, to rejoin us.

We need to think of as many other strategies as we can to pull the
membership up to 300. The current level is 231 - higher than it was this
time last year due to Jenny Turpin's mass mailings to three other sections
last fall. As a first step in this direction, please think about whether you
and your department could support some postage and paper costs for the
section for additional mailings.

Another way to reach out is via the internet. Our current email list is
about 100 - thanks to a student of Jenny's who put it all on a disk for us.
We need to encourage all our colleagues in the section to give us their
email address. Another big help would be someone who has the time and
patience to check out as many of our members as possible through the various
search engines so we can increase the number we reach through email. And if
someone can manage a list serve so we can send things out without over 100
addresses on each message, that would be wonderful.

Let's have your ideas in Toronto, if you are coming, or via the net if you
are not going to be able to join us. We will need several people to work on
this over time - please do not hesitate to offer whatever ideas or support
you can.

Yours for a bigger section in the future! Mary Anna C. Colwell - Chair-
elect of the ASA Peace and War Section
