
Fri, 11 Jul 1997 21:23:30 -0600 (CST)
Alan Spector (

Stephen Homick wrote:

<<<< I infer from this snippet that Alan Spector is of the opinion
that "blacks and "Latinos," whatever else they may be, are separate
races; separate from Asians as well as Caucasians and, by extension,
separate from each other.>>>>

The WHOLE POINT of my several postings to WSN on this matter is
exactly the opposite of what Stephen Homick apparently inferred; it was to
emphasize the ways that biology is misused in classifying people according
to so-called "race". However, to coin a new phrase, "ideas can become a
material force in the world when they are grasped by people", and
therefore, the IDEA of "race" can have very profound impacts on the world.

Therefore, while rejecting the folklore notion that there are any
significant measurable differences in behaviors or abilities between the
groups which are casually classified as belonging to different so-called
"races"-----it is important to recognize that there is real oppression
being carried out because some people believe that those myths are
true--and therefore it is important to recognize the specific forms of
oppression and make special efforts, as we combat all forms of oppression,
to deal with the especially brutal forms of oppression that members of
subordinate so-called "racial", ethnic, and religious groups are subjected

Alan Spector,
who really would like to see more postings by people with current research
on IMF, SAP, which U.S. financial groups are focusing on which parts of the
world, how differences in financial interests manifest themselves as
political differences over China, Zaire, expansion of NATO, Iraq/Iran,