re Al Bergesen's announcement of the ASA session on rethinking
eurocentric social science, an abstract and table of contents of Andre
Gunder Frank's forthcoming book _ReORIENT: GLOBAL ECONOMY IN THE ASIAN
AGE_ (University of California Press forthcoming) is available near the
bottom of Gunder's web page at
I have been avoiding more daunting tasks by upgrading the contents and
form of the World-Systems Archive at
it now contains links to the Fernand Braudel Center web site, the ASA
PEWS website, homepages of some world-systems scholars, an updated list
of Mark Selden's three book series (Asia Rising; Socialism and Social
Movements; and Modern Japan)
and Gunder's syllabus for a seminar on "Macrosociology, Political
Institutions and the State."
Check it out, and send me new and updated material for inclusion on the