Re: Lloyd-Jones: An Ignoramous Reactionary for All Seasons [WAS:Re: Blaut, Still Lying, Now Mumblin

Mon, 30 Jun 1997 08:49:50 -0400
David Lloyd-Jones (

Dennis Grammenos <> writes:
> I take exception to the pathetic personal attacks that David Lloyd-Jones
> has launched against Jim Blaut, even stooping as low as to suggest that
> Jim is "stupid"!

I have made no suggestions whatsoever about Jim's character or endowments.
The idea that he "is stupid" is entirely Grammenos's. I have pointed out
that he writes lies, and I have speculated on the specific aspect of
character which may come into play to explain the repetition of a dishonest
line of attack after the first breach has been pointed out.

Stupidity is not, of course, the only possible hypothesis. It might have
been carelessness, malice, or the infantile belief that by repetition he
could make an invention credible. Perhaps he swooned at the keyboard.

> Few subscribers to this list are surprised at the depths of ignorance
> that David Lloyd-Jones decides to drag just about any discussion. If he
> is so dead set against any expression of progressive thinking then why
> the hell does he choose to be on WSN except to provide tasteless
> provocation and derail any sort of discussion that does not satisfy his
> neo-conservative criteria.

I shudder to think what Grammenos imagines "progressive thinking" means.
Does it have anything in common with brainwashing one's undergraduates?
And just how big is the overlap between progressive and teleological

> What an ignoramous!

Perhaps he means "ignoramus," but, uh, we don't know.
