Tue, 03 Jun 1997 17:15:46 -0400 (EDT)
Tue, 03 Jun 1997 17:13:59 -0400 (EDT)
03 Jun 1997 16:09:40 -0500 (CDT)
by mcfeeley.cc.utexas.edu (8.8.5/8.8.5/mcfeeley.mc-1.21)
03 Jun 1997 16:02:03 -0500 (CDT)
<lasnet@mcfeeley.cc.utexas.edu>; Tue, 03 Jun 1997 16:02:07 -0500 (CDT)
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 1997 16:45:48 -0400
From: clas@uchicago.edu (Center for Latin American Studies-UC)
Subject: Post-doc, Cultural Environments/Development
Sender: owner-lasnet@mcfeeley.cc.utexas.edu
To: lasnet@mcfeeley.cc.utexas.edu
Reply-to: clas@uchicago.edu
Dear Colleagues:
I enclose a description of a senior postdoctoral fellowship opportunity
under the auspices of the Globalization Project and the Center for Latin
American Studies at the University of Chicago. The fellowship is funded by
the Ford Foundation as part of an ongoing, interdisciplinary research and
curriculum development initiative entitled Regional Worlds: A New Approach
to Area Studies.
This program aims to create new linkages among area studies, cultural
studies and the natural and social sciences by conceptualizing world areas
and research issues from more flexible and potentially integrative
perspectives. During the 1997-98 academic year, the Globalization Project
and the Center for Latin American Studies are collaborating on exploring
the theme of Latin America: Cultural Environments and Development Debates.
The postdoctoral fellow will take up residence at the University of Chicago
during the Spring Quarter (March 30-June 15, 1998).
I would appreciate it if you would bring this fellowship to the attention
of any qualified scholar who might benefit from participation in this
program. We are particularly interested in attracting strong candidates
for the fellowship from Latin America.
All nominations, applications and inquiries should be directed to Alan L.
Kolata, Director, Center for Latin American Studies, 5848 South University
Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637. Phone: 773-702-8420; Fax: 773-702-1755; E-mail:
Sincerely yours,
Alan L. Kolata
Director, Center for Latin American Studies
Professor of Anthropology
Regional Worlds Postdoctoral Fellowship
at the University of Chicago
The Globalization Project and the Center for Latin American Studies at the
University of Chicago invite nominations and applications for a senior
Postdoctoral Fellow to participate in the ongoing, interdisciplinary
initiative, Regional Worlds: A New Approach to Area Studies. Candidates
from Latin America are especially encouraged to apply.
Program Description
The theme of Regional Worlds for 1997-98 is Latin America: Cultural
Environments and Development Debates. Through colloquia, advanced research
workshops, curriculum development discussions and a culminating conference,
the program will consider the ways in which production, consumption,
cultural values, cultural expression and social identities interpenetrate
in the process of development. Program activities will explore fundamental
questions regarding the importance and meaning of local cultural practice
and values to perceptions of the environment and economic development.
Within this general theme, special attention will be focused on
intellectual property rights, particularly as related to the ecological
knowledge and practice of indigenous and traditional peoples, territorial
demarcation and dislocation, and environmental ethics.
Residency and Responsibilities
The Fellow will be in residence at the University of Chicago during the
Spring academic quarter, from March 30 to June 15, 1998. While in
residence, the fellow will conduct personal research, present one public
lecture, interact with University of Chicago faculty, graduate research
fellows and advanced graduate students through participation in the
program's biweekly workshop, and participate as a presenter and discussant
in the culminating conference.
Application Procedures
The Fellowship offers a stipend of $20,000, travel expenses and access to
the University of Chicago libraries. Applicants should send two copies of
a current curriculum vitae and a personal statement (not to exceed five
pages) of the relevance of their research to the theme of Latin America:
Cultural Environments and Development Debates, as well as one sample of
published work. Applicants should also arrange for two letters of reference
from persons with detailed knowledge of the applicant's research.
Nominations, applications and inquiries should be directed to Alan L.
Kolata, Director, Center for Latin American Studies, 5848 S. University
Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637. Phone: 773-702-8420; Fax: 773-702-1755; E-mail:
All application materials are due September 1, 1997
Regional Worlds is supported by a generous grant from the Ford Foundation.
Center for Latin American Studies
University of Chicago
5848 S. University Ave.
Kelly 308
Chicago, IL 60637
773-702-1755 fax