Re: Huntington: world system architect

Tue, 03 Jun 1997 13:38:26 -0400
colin s. cavell (


I would be interested in your "more concise critique" of Huntington's
"culture-alignment ideology campaign", as I find your initial critique
very insightful and to the mark.

Colin S. Cavell "And there lies the most stupendous
Department of Political Science labor problem of the twentieth century
Thompson Tower, Box 37520 --transcending the problem of Labor
University of Massachusetts and Capital, of Democracy, of the
Amherst, MA 01003-7520 Equality of Women--for it is the
Internet: problem of the Equality of Humanity in
Voice: (413) 546-3408 the world as against white domination of black and brown and yellow serfs.
--W.E.B. Du Bois, (1868-1963)

Date: Tue, 03 Jun 1997 15:10:32 +0100
From: (Richard K. Moore)
Subject: Huntington: world system architect

....I think Huntington's culture-alignment ideology campaign raises several
topics which should be of interest to wsn, beyond what we discussed
earlier. His thesis and argments - a world-system hypothesis claiming
historical substantiation and primary current relevance - themselves
deserve further examination and analysis. I find his assumptions and logic
very flimsy indeed, and will be posting a concise critique if interest in
these topics is expressed on list....
