The Rich Get Richer (New Ed.)

Tue, 13 May 1997 22:15:40 -0700
Denny Braun (dennyb@VAX1.Mankato.MSUS.EDU)


This describes the new release of the second edition of my book, The
Rich Get Richer: The Rise of Income Inequality in the United States and
the World.
I would like to thank Terry Boswell for reviewing the entire book prior
to the start of the new revision, and for again reviewing the theory
chapter after the new edition was completed.

The new edition continues my study of income inequality, using a
explicit World Systems perspective. It documents the erosion of the
middle class, and growing rates of poverty, crime, and violence. The
U.S., other industrial nations, and developing countries are all
examined. New information includes the working poor, Mexico and Nafta,
cross-country perceptions of inequality, mass media distortion,
political manipulation, corporate welfare and the overpaid CEOs of U.S.
multinational businesses.

More information on content and help in ordering for The Rich Get
Richer (2nd Edition) can be obtained from College Textbooks Marketing,
Inc.(CTM), which represents Nelson-Hall Publishers as well as a number
of other book publishers. Once at this web site, click "New Arrivals"
and then click "Nelson-Hall." For the latest updated information on
many new books and new editions in the social sciences, visit CTM at
their website:

You can also visit my personal web page at Mankato State University for
further details:

If you wish to order your own copy (or for educators who would like an
examination copy of The Rich Get Richer to consider for classroom
adoption), you can also contact my publisher directly via e-mail at By regular mail, they are:

Nelson-Hall Publishers, Inc.
111 N. Canal Street
Chciago, IL 60606

TEL: (312) 930-9446
FAX: (312) 930-5903

My book lists at $25.95 (ISBN number 0-8304-1433-9), and weighs in at
538 pages. It is 150 pages longer than the first edition.

An abbreviated table of Contents for The Rich Get Richer (2nd Edition)

1. Chapter One--Why Increasing Inequality is a Danger to Us All
2. Chapter Two--The Battleground of Ideology: Theories and
Underlying Values Surrounding the Explanation of Income
3. Chapter Three--Economic Inequality Around the World
4. Chapter Four--Multinational Corporations: Income Inequality and Basic
5. Chapter Five--Apple Pie and Economic Pie: The American Path to a
Smaller Slice.
6. Chapter Six--Sunset in the Sunbelt: How Geographic Variation Hides
Income Inequality
7. Chapter Seven--Dealing From the Top of the Deck: Some Alternatives
and Strategies for Needed Change:


This describes the new release of the second edition of my book, The Rich Get Richer: The Rise of Income Inequality in the United States and the World.
I would like to thank Terry Boswell for reviewing the entire book prior to the start of the new revision, and for again reviewing the theory chapter after the new edition was completed.

The new edition continues my study of income inequality, using a explicit World Systems perspective.  It documents the erosion of the middle class, and growing rates of poverty, crime, and violence. The U.S., other industrial nations, and developing countries are all examined.  New information includes the working poor, Mexico and Nafta, cross-country perceptions of inequality, mass media distortion, political manipulation, corporate welfare and the overpaid CEOs of U.S. multinational businesses.

More information on content and help in ordering  for The Rich Get Richer (2nd Edition) can be obtained from College Textbooks Marketing, Inc.(CTM), which represents Nelson-Hall Publishers as well as a number of other book publishers. Once at this web site, click "New Arrivals" and then click "Nelson-Hall."  For the latest updated information on many new books and new editions in the social sciences, visit CTM at their website:

You can also visit my personal web page at Mankato State University for further details: 

If you wish to order your own copy (or for educators who would like an examination copy of The Rich Get Richer to consider  for classroom adoption),  you can also contact my publisher directly via e-mail at  By regular mail, they are:

Nelson-Hall Publishers, Inc.
111 N. Canal Street
Chciago, IL  60606

TEL:      (312) 930-9446
FAX:     (312) 930-5903

My book lists at $25.95 (ISBN number 0-8304-1433-9), and weighs in at 538 pages.  It is 150 pages longer than the first edition.

An abbreviated table of Contents for The Rich Get Richer (2nd Edition) follows:

1. Chapter One--Why Increasing Inequality is a Danger to Us All
2. Chapter Two--The Battleground of Ideology: Theories and Underlying       Values Surrounding the Explanation of Income Inequality.
3. Chapter Three--Economic Inequality Around the World
4. Chapter Four--Multinational Corporations: Income Inequality and Basic Needs.
5. Chapter Five--Apple Pie and Economic Pie: The American Path to a Smaller Slice.
6. Chapter Six--Sunset in the Sunbelt: How Geographic Variation Hides Income Inequality
7. Chapter Seven--Dealing From the Top of the Deck: Some Alternatives and Strategies for Needed Change:
