words, at least Tom,'s, are deciving - and [pictures still moreso!
gunderOn Wed,
23 Apr 1997, Thomas D. [Tom] Hall, THALL@DEPAUW.EDU wrote:
> Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 13:12:21 -0500 (EST)
> From: "Thomas D. [Tom] Hall, THALL@DEPAUW.EDU" <thall@DEPAUW.EDU>
> To: WORLD SYSTEMS NETWORK <wsn@csf.colorado.edu>
> Subject: visual for the discussion
> WSNers:
> I finally got scanned and loaded a picture, from 1989, of Chris D-D,
> Gunder Frank, myself, and Steve Sanderson that Gunder gave me to load up.
> You can see on my web page under pics or :
> http://www.depauw.edu/~thall/PICS.HTM
> Chris & Gunder still look the same, Steve and I have less hair, and what
> we have in now grayer, and I have been far too successful at find the
> weight other people have lost.
> tom
> Thomas D. [tom] Hall
> thall@depauw.edu
> Department of Sociology
> DePauw University
> Greencastle, IN 46135
> 765-658-4519
> http://www.depauw.edu/~thall/hp1.htm