Hideo Tsuji's Questionnaire

Sun, 13 Apr 1997 15:11:09 +0900
Liu, Dong-Yue (liuliu@public3.bta.net.cn)

I believe you recently received a questionnaire from Hideo Tsuji.
When you submit your response, make sure to send it directly to him.
DO NOT USE THE REPLY COMMAND, otherwise everyone on the mailing list of
World Systems Network will receive your response.

For those who already did it, you don't have to sent your response again.
I will transfer it to Hideo.

Name : Liu, Dong-Yue (劉 東岳)

Add : Foreign Students Building 7-112
Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084 PRChina
Tel : (86)-(10)-6278-9582 / Fax : (86)-(10)-6254-3876
Lab : Department of Automation/Systems Engineering

liuliu@public3.bta.net.cn (primary), liuliu@medical.email.ne.jp