Recapping PEWS XXI: Global Environment and the W-S

Thu, 10 Apr 1997 14:40:40 -0500
J. Timmons Roberts (


WSN was started by the PEWS (Political Economy of the World-System)
section of the American Sociological Association. Since we just held our
annual PEWS conference on the Global Environment and the World System in
Santa Cruz this last weekend, I thought it would be worthwhile if someone
with a few minutes to rub together to sum up the conference or a few of the
papers, and post some thoughts for how we can keep that discussion alive.
The discussion at the conference was lively and productive, but we've really
just begun to address the question.

Any takers?


Timmons Roberts
Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology/Center for Latin American Studies
Tulane University
New Orleans  LA   70118
tel: 504-865-5820/FAX 504-865-5544
"So many ways to understand.  One for every woman and man." -- Bruce Cockburn