Fw: Info for book on globalisation

Fri, 4 Apr 1997 12:24:15 -0600 (CST)
Alan Spector (spector@calumet.purdue.edu)

A colleague sent me this via internet. I think it would be of interest to
many on wsn, & psn, & revs.........if you are on more than one of these
lists, apologies for you getting duplicates of this message. Alan Spector

From: Sanjay Kumar <sanjay@physics.purdue.edu>
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 13:42:35 -0500 (EST)

A group of my friends who are involved in radical politics in North India have
brought out this study of recent changes in global capitalism. It should be of
interest to radical activists and thinkers in other countries, as also to
other people generally interested in the post-liberalisation developments in

An Outline of Recent Changes in the Modus Operandi of Imperialism
( A Study Commisioned by Lok Parcham (in Punjabi) and Lok Dasta (in Hindi) )

Globalisation has become the catchword of the nineties. It has come to
represent the set of major changes in the world economy which have been
underway since the last ten or fifteen years. Transnational mobility of
capital and its global reach are central themes of these chages which are
proceeding through systematic erosion, often forcible removal, of all barriers
to international trade and finance.

This round of global economic change is also characterised by active
participation of a large number of developing countries. Although there is
considerable debate within the political spectrum of ruling classes in these
countries over details of ongoing reforms, there is, at the same time, a near
consensus among them about their desirability and necessity of the reforms.

Advocates of the current phase of globalisation ascribe to it an inevitable
characteristic of a natural law and claim that it carries potential of a
rapid growth and universal progress for economies and individuals cutting across
continents and classes. Many among its critics, on the other hand, relegate it
to the status of a mere design of the imperialists and reactionaries, if not an
outright conspiracy of multinationals corporations, and end up creating an
impression as if pre-globalisation capitalism was in some sense preferable
to its coming globalised version.

Ideological and political divisions are inevitable and likely to be all the
more acute over such a large-scale phenomenon which is expected to touch
everyone's life one way or another. It is necessary, however, to deepen
one's understanding of the phenomenon itself and broaden one's perspective.
This book is an outcome of a study which was conducted with these objectives
in mind. It goes into the question of interrelationship between economics and
politics which has assumed newer dimensions under the spate of globalisation.
* Are nation-states about to make their exit from the stage of world
* What is going to be the future shape of inter-imperialist
contraditions and what kind of dangers and potentials are contained
in them?
* Will the Third-World nation-states lose their sovereignity to the
imperialist countries as they had in the colonial period or is it more
the case that sovereignity of nation-states in general is being
made porous by the global mobility and fluidity of capital?

This study aims to help the reader in sketching for himself or herself an
overall picture of the world economy and of changes it is currently undergoing.
It also intends to assist in a fruitful debate over the recent changes in the
modus operandi of imperialism.

* Introduction
* World Economy: An Overview
* Explosion in Finance and Global Expansion of Capital
* Debt: The Trap and the Crisis
* Foreign Direct Investment
* Foreign Portfolio Investment
* World Trade: Integration and Segmentation
* Changing Ways of Cpaitalism
* Globalisation and Nation States
* Cocluding Remarks

Over 250 pages
Price: $15.00 (Approx.)
( For more info contact sanjay@physics.purdue.edu )


Rajwant Pal Singh Subhash Gatade
Editor, Lal Parcham Editor, Lok Dasta
4A/3, Dhillon Marg F-5/79. LIG Flats
Model Town Sector - 15, Rohini
Patiala - 147 001 New Delhi - 110 085