Dear Tom,
I notice from your post of last week that the title of my
contribution to the PEWS roundtable is still wrong. I wrote Roberto
Korzeniewicz about this a couple of weeks ago. The correct title is
"Anti-Systemic Movements, Real and Imaginary, in Historical Perspective."
See my e-mail reply to Charles McKelvey's invitation below.
On Fri, 17 Jan 1997 wrote:
> Charles McKelvey
> Presbyterian College
> Dear Prof. McKelvey,
> Thanks for the invitation to participate in a PEWS roundtable. I
> will be happy to do this, if you don't mind my riding my hobbyhorse about
> the interplay of theory and praxis. My take on anti-systemic movements is
> that currently there are few [or maybe none], although they did exist in
> the eras of Marx, Lenin, and Stalin; and that our task, i.e., the task of
> everyone who knows better, is to build such movements--multinational,
> multidisciplinary, multiracial--in the coming century in anticipation of
> the [nearly] inevitable implosion of the system to which we are "anti."
> My title is "Anti-Systemic Movements, Real and Imaginary, in
> Historical Perspective."
> With best wishes,
> W. Warren Wagar
> Department of History
> Binghamton University, SUNY