NEW LIST: H-Bahai, Bahai Studies (fwd)

Thu, 20 Feb 1997 16:15:08 -0500 (EST)

I picked this up on H-World, and thought it might be of interest to those
discussing Bahai's a few days ago.

Thomas D. [tom] Hall
Department of Sociology
DePauw University
Greencastle, IN 46135

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 12:15:19 -0800
From: Ken Pomeranz <>
Subject: NEW LIST: H-Bahai, Bahai Studies


Sponsored by H-Net, Humanities and Social Sciences On-line
The Society for Shaykhi, Babi and Baha'i Studies
Supported by Michigan State University

H-BAHAI is devoted to the academic study of the Baha'i
religion, which began in Baghdad in 1863. It has as its
background Iranian, Shi`ite Islam, especially the esoteric
Shaykhi school, and the millenarian Babi movement of the
mid-nineteenth century in Iran. Founded by Mirza Husayn
`Ali Nuri Baha'u'llah (the "Glory of God," 1817-1892), the
Baha'i Faith became a new and independent religion, with its
own book of revealed law and its own spiritual teachings and
social principles. It spread through the Middle East and
South Asia, and then came to the United States in the early
1890s, brought by Lebanese immigrants, where it attracted a
following among Americans. It remains the largest religious
minority in Iran, and has grown rapidly in India and
elsewhere in the global South, numbering a few million
world-wide. Among its basic teachings are the unity of the
world religions, the unity of humankind, the need for a
world government and a single global language, and the
centrality of the Baha'i covenant that vests authority in
successive Baha'i holy figures and institutions.

H-Bahai is an interactive network of scholars, teachers, and
students who use a variety of electronic and print media to
to foster productive exchange of ideas and materials in the
social sciences and humanities. The H-Bahai list uses
electronic mail for interactive communication about teaching
and research and to disseminate announcements and
professional information. The H-Bahai web site archives
list documents and contains links to valuable resources on
our subject. As a member of H-Net, H-Bahai offers
announcements about conferences, fellowships and grants,
research and publication opportunities, and jobs.

H-BAHAI is FREE and open to everyone with a mature and
abiding interest in the subject. Scholars, writers,
teachers, and librarians professionally interested in the
subject are particularly invited to join. H-Bahai is edited
by Prof. Juan R. Cole, University of Michigan,; and Prof. Susan Maneck, Berry College, It is advised by a board of scholars and
is associated with "The Society for Shaykhi, Babi and Baha'i
Studies," a group of Middle East scholars with Baha'i
interests that has been meeting in conjunction with the
Middle East Studies Association. Like all H-Net lists, H-
BAHAI is moderated by the editors to filter out
inappropriate posts. It is advised by a board of scholars.

More information can also be found at the H-Net Web Site,
located at

To join H-BAHAI, please send a message to:

(with no subject line) and only this text:

sub H-BAHAI firstname lastname, institution

Capitalization does not matter, but spelling, spaces and
commas do. When you include your own information, the
message will look something like this:

sub H-BAHAI Jane Smith, Ball State U

If you have any questions or experience any difficulties in
attempting to subscribe, please send a message to:

Juan Cole <>

H-Net is an international consortium of scholars in the
humanities and social sciences that creates and coordinates
electronic networks, using a variety of media, and with a
common objective of advancing humanities and social science
teaching and research. H-Net was created to provide a
positive, supportive, equalitarian environment for the
friendly exchange of ideas and scholarly resources, and is
supported by Michigan State University. For more
information about H-Net, write to, or
point your web browser to

We look forward to hearing from you!

Juan Cole
Susan Maneck
