I am trying to put together a bibliography on WST and deforestation. So
far, the bib is not very large, but maybe that's just a function of the
fact that there's not much out there. So far, I have:
Chew, Sing C. 1995. "Environmental Transformations: Accumulation,
Ecological Crisis, and Social Movements." In A NEW WORLD ORDER?, ed.
David A. Smith and Jozsef Borocz, 201-215. Westport, CT: Praeger.
Smith, David A. 1994. "Uneven Development and the Environment: Toward a
World-System Perspective." HUMBOLDT JOURNAL OF SOCIAL RELATIONS 20(1):
151-175. (This article cites a proposal submitted by Roberts and Grimes
to look at deforestation from a WST perspective; does anyone know if any
publications have come from this yet?)
If anyone could point me to any other readings tying deforestation to
capitalist expansion/capital accumulation, I would be grateful.
Thanks for the help...Paul
Paul Turner, Research Assistant
Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis Phone: 812-855-1223
513 N. Park Street FAX: 812-855-3150
Bloomington, IN 47408 email: pwturner@indiana.edu