The List of Ten - An East European/Latin American Perspective

Thu, 12 Dec 1996 19:19:17 +0100 (MET)

Colleagues, the lists are good - but sometimes hopelessly Amero-centric. If I
had to teach a course across the Great Pot again, I'd select the following
titles about theories and the struggles of people in the one and single
capitalist world economy - also with the necessary dimension of the conflict
structure, that capitalism created over the last 500 years, and also comprising
historical aspects of theories (like Kalecki) that I find are absolutely vital
when one works - like I do for the last 4 years - in a East European
semi-periphery. It also contains classics - like the one by our late friend Herb
Addo - which are often overlooked in America. I also include Kunibert Raffer's
path-breaking analysis of Unequal Exchange; else an unresolved basic concept of
the Wallerstein school.

The list is a list of 5 pages (pardon me)

My List of 5

Addo H. (1986), 'Imperialism: the permanent stage of capitalism' Tokyo: United
Nations University.
Akerman J. (1936) 'Economic Progress and Economic Crises' London and
Basingstoke: Macmillan.
Amin S. (1992), 'Empire of Chaos' New York: Monthly Review Press.
Apter D. (1987), 'Rethinking Development: Modernisation, Dependency and
Post-Modern Politics' Newbury Park, CA.: Sage.
Beaud M. (1990), 'Histoire du capitalisme de 1500 à nos jours' 4e édition revue
et corrigée en 1990, Paris: Éditions du Seuil
Bernal-Restrepo S. S.J. (1991), 'Katholische Soziallehre und Kapitalismus' in
'Veraendert der Glaube die Wirtschaft? Theologie und Oekonomie in Lateinamerika'
(Fornet-Betancourt R. (Ed.)), pp. 21-38, Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder.
Berryman, Ph. (1987), ‘Liberation Theology: The Essential Facts about the
Revolutionary Movement in Latin America and Beyond’ New York: Pantheon Books
Boff C. and Boff L. (1984), ‘Salvation and Liberation: In Search of a Balance
between Faith and Politics’ Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books.
Boff L. and Boff C. (1988), ‘Introducing Liberation Theology’ Trans. Paul Burns.
Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books.
Bornschier V. and Chase-Dunn Ch.K. (1985), 'Transnational Corporations and
Underdevelopment' N.Y., N.Y.: Praeger.
Chase-Dunn Ch.K. (1991), 'Global Formation: Structures of the World Economy'
Oxford and New York: Blackwell
David A. and Wheelwright T. (1989), 'The Third Wave. Australia and Asian
Capitalism' Sutherland, New South Wales: Left Book Club Cooperative Ltd.
Dubiel I. (1983), 'Der klassische Kern der lateinamerikanischen
Entwicklungstheorie. Ein metatheoretischer Versuch' Munich: Eberhard
Ellacuria I. S.J. (1989), 'Utopia y profetismo desde América Latina. Un ensayo
concreto de soterología historica' Revista Latinoamericana de Teología (San
Salvador, El Salvador), 6, 17: 141-84.
Elsenhans H. (1983), 'Rising mass incomes as a condition of capitalist growth:
implications for the world economy' International Organization, 37, 1: 1-39.
Flechsig St. (1994), 'Raúl Prebisch (1901-1986)-ein bedeutendes theoretisches
Vermaechtnis oder kein alter Hut' Utopie kreativ, 45/46, Juli/August: 136-155.
Frank A.G. (1990), 'Revolution in Eastern Europe: lessons for democratic social
movements (and socialists?),' Third World Quarterly, 12, 2, April: 36-52.
Frank A.G. (1992), 'Economic ironies in Europe: a world economic interpretation
of East-West European politics' International Social Science Journal, 131,
February: 41-56.
Frank A.G. and Frank-Fuentes M. (1990), 'Widerstand im Weltsystem' Wien:
Frank A.G. and Gills, B. (Eds.)(1993), 'The World System: Five Hundred or Five
Thousand Years?' London and New York: Routledge, Kegan&Paul.
Froebel F. et al. (1986), 'Umbruch in der Weltwirtschaft' Reinbek: rororo
aktuell (English translation: Cambridge University Press).
Goldstein J.S. (1985a), 'Kondratieff Waves as War Cycles' International Studies
Quarterly, 29, 4: 411-444.
Goldstein J.S. (1988), 'Long Cycles. Prosperity and War in the Modern Age' New
Haven and London: Yale University Press.
Gonzales Casanova P. (1973), 'Sociología de la explotación' Mexico D.F.: Siglo
Griffin K. (1987), 'World Hunger and the World Economy. And Other Essays in
Development Economics'London, Basingstoke and New York: Macmillan/Saint Martin's
Griffin K. and Gurley J. (1985), 'Radical Analyses of Imperialism, the Third
World, and the Transition to Socialism: A Survey Article' Journal of Economic
Literature, 23, September: 1089-1143.
Griffin K. and Knight J. (Eds.)(1990), 'Human Development and the International
Development Strategy for the 1990s' London and Basingstoke: Macmillan.
Gutierrez G. (1988), ‘A Theology of Liberation: History, Politics and Salvation’
Trans. and ed. Sister Caridad Inda and John Eagleson. Rev. edition, Maryknoll,
NY: Orbis Books.
Hettne B. (1994), 'The Political Economy of Post-Communist Development' The
European Journal of Development Research, 6, 1, June: 39-60.
Kalecki M. (1979), 'Essays on Developing Economies. With an Introduction by
Professor Joan Robinson' Hassocks, Sussex: The Harvester Press.
Kay C. (1989), ‘Latin American Theories of Development and Underdevelopment’
London and New York: Routledge, Kegan and Paul.
Kay C. (1991), 'Reflections on the Latin American Contribution to Development
Theory' Development and Change, 22, 1: 31-68.
Kleinknecht A. (1987), 'Innovation Patterns in Crisis and Prosperity:
Schumpeter's Long Cycle Reconsidered' London and Basingstoke: Macmillan.
Kleinknecht A. et al. (Eds.) (1993), 'New Findings in Long-Wave Research' New
York: Saint Martin's Press.
Lernoux P. (1980), ‘Cry of the People’ Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
Olson M. (1982), 'The Rise and Decline of Nations' New Haven and London: Yale
University Press.
Polanyi, K. (1944/1957), 'The Great Transformation' Boston: Beacon.
Polanyi, K. (1979), 'Oekonomie und Gesellschaft' Frankfurt a.M.: suhrkamp
taschenbuch wissenschaft.
Popper Sir K. (1991), 'The Best World We Have Yet Had. George Urban Interviews
Sir Karl Popper' Report on the USSR, 3, 22, May 31: 20-22.
Prebisch R. (1983), 'The crisis of capitalism and international trade' CEPAL
Review, 20, August: 51-74
Prebisch R. (1984), 'Five Stages in My Thinking on Development' in 'Pioneers in
Development. A World Bank Publication' (Meier G.M. and Seers D. (Eds.)), pp.
175-191. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Preston P.W. (1987), 'Rethinking Development. Essays on development and
Southeast Asia' London and New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Raffer K. (1987), 'Unequal Exchange and the Evolution of the World System
Reconsidering the Impact of Trade on North-South Relations' London, Basingstoke
and New York: Macmillan/Saint Martin's Press.
Raffer K. (1989), 'Sovereign Debts, Unilateral 'Adjustment', and Multilateral
Control: The New Way to Serfdom' (Singer H.W. et al. (Eds.)), New Delhi: Ashish
Publishing House.
Raffer K. (1995), ‘Lo que es bueno para los Estados Unidos debe ser bueno para
el mundo. Propuesta de una Declaración Universal de Isolvencia’ Persona y
Sociedad, Instituto Latinoamericano de Doctrina y Estudios Sociales ILADES, 9,
2, Septiembre: 64 - 73.
Raffer K. and Singer H.W. (1996), ‘The Foreign Aid Business. Economic Assistance
and Development Cooperation’ Cheltenham and Borookfield: Edward Alger.
Reich R. B. (1992), 'The Work of Nations. Preparing Ourselves for 21st-Century
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Senghaas D. (1985), 'The European Experience: A Historical Critique of
Development Theory' Leamington Spa, Dover: Berg.
Shaw T. M. (1995), ‘Globalisation, Regionalisms and the South in the 1990s:
Towards a New Political Economy of Development’ The European Journal of
Development Research, 7, 2, Dec.: 257-275
Steger H. A. (1989), 'Weltzivilisation und Regionalkultur. Wege zur
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Wirklichkeit. Hornruf von der anderen Seite des Limes.' Munich: Eberhard.
Stephens J.D. (1991), 'Industrial Concentration, Country Size, and Trade Union
Membership' American Political Science Review, 85, 3, September: 941-949.
Szlajfer H. (1977), 'Nachzuholende Entwicklung unter den Bedingungen des
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Klassenkampfes, 7, 27: 7ff.
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Tausch K. (1993), 'Frauen in Peru. Ihre literarische und kulturelle Praesenz'
Munich: Eberhard, Schriften zu Lateinamerika, Band 5.