Mon, 25 Nov 1996 10:54:55 -0500 (EST)
Terisa Turner (

I generally agree with your posting on the Zaire and Yankee Imperialism
lineup of interests. Canada is supporting the US and bowing to the French
because the Canadian Commander is from Quebec, speqaks french, and
possibly some of the Canadian soldiers identified to go (1500 of them) to
the region are french speaking... but this is all clearly in the
interests of the US which is working hard in the region to establish
bases and a constituency at many levels.

I would appreciate knowing web sites where current and indepth
information about the military intervention and the so-called 'aid
delivery' mission are covered. I have co-authored a short piece on the
Rwanda Zaire intervention process which I could make available to those
interested (it is coming out in the McGill University journal Labour,
capital and society, in a couple of weeks, I am told.

Terisa E. Turner
Departments of Sociology & Anthropology and Political Studies
University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, CANADA N1G 2W1
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