Centre for Socio-Natural Studies
The subject of socio-natural studies are intercommunication,
interdependency and mutual influence of processes, phenomena and
events in society and nature in the past as well as in the
future. As a result of the studies a new branch of science is
being formed the Socio-Natural History (SNH). The SNH is a
responce to a challenge of time, to a necessity of solving
those problems which could not have yet been solved within the
bounds of traditional disciplines. The results of the studies
are published in series The Socio-Natural History. Materials
of previous conferences were published in the 2nd, 4th, 6th and
8th parts of the series. Basic principles of the SNH are stated
in the 7th part: E.S.Koulpin. Bifurkatsija Zapad-Vostok. M.,
Man and Nature Problems of the Socio-Natural History
will take place at the beginning of September, 1997. As
applications for participation summaries are accepted by the
Conference Organizing Committee: a type-written text on two
pages at two intervals (for inhabitants of Moscow, besides text,
application in electronic form is necessary in a standard MS-DOS
format, one disquette one application; those having e-mail
could apply through it to ANDREI@RSUH.RU [attention Eduard
Koulpin]). In addition to theses we would ask the applicants to
let us know their whereabouts (address, office and home phone
numbers) and brief CV.
Experience of previous conferences has shown that active,
constructive discussion is real with not more than 12 reports,
hence are the criteria: 1) of acceptance and subsequent
publication of summaries relevance to the Socio-Natural
History; 2) of presentation at the Conference significance of
subjects treated in the papers. Reports not accepted as plenary
will be presented as posters. One of the sessions will be
devoted exclusively to posters.
Basic subjects for discussion:
fundamental problems of the SNH;
global ecological crisis, the SNH of Europe and Russia;
comparative environmental studies of the West and the East;
problems of the SNH teaching.
We would ask you to send summaries by the 1st of January
1997 so that they could be published before the Conference.
Selection of plenary papers will be made by the Academic
Council for Socio-Natural Studies, Oriental Institute of the
Russian Academy of Sciences; the Council also considers
proposals for round-table discussions. The Academic Council will
let the applicants know about their participation in the
Conference not later than April 1997.
Besides sessions, a cultural program is planned: visits to
museums and nature reserves.
The Organizing Committee does not bear the responsibility
for transportation tickets.
You may make the acquaintance with the materials of the IIV-
th Conferences Man and Nature Problems of the Socio-Natural
History in the Libraries.
On problems connected with the Conference, please, address:
117049, Moscow, Krymsky Val 8, Entrance 4, Centre for Socio-
Natural Studies of Academy of Urban Envirinment (or to this e-
mail number: ANDREI@RSUH.RU [attention Eduard Koulpin].
Head of the Centre
D. Sc. (Philosophy) E.S.Koulpin