PEWS/E&T joint session, 1997 ASA meetings

Fri, 1 Nov 96 10:16:29 EST
Thomas Rudel (

In the call for papers for the 1997 ASA meetings, the ASA staff inadvertently
deleted the listing of the joint PEWS/Env. and Tech. session on the Political
Economy of the Environment. ASA will print a correction in the next edition
of Footnotes. In any event we will be organizing a session on the Political
Economy of the Environment. Please send your submissions to: Tom Rudel,
Department of Human Ecology, Cook College, Rutgers University, P.O. 231,
New Brunswick, N.J. 08903, FAX: 908-932-6667. Deadline for submissions:
January 10, 1997.

Sorry for the confusion!

Tom Rudel