Here is a publication opportunity of possible interest, but the deadline is
tight -- November 11!
>>Subject: CHAIRLINK OCTOBER 23, 1996
>>Date: Wednesday, October 23, 1996 5:06PM
>>Precedence: bulk
>>CHAIRLINK October 23, 1996
>>Journal of Developing Societies invites contributions for its
>>special issue: "The Emerging Global Societies: Development
>>Dynamics and Dilemmas" for publication (as Issues I & II) in
>>1997. The main objective of this special issue is to advance
>>understanding of the nature of emerging forces relating to, e.
>>g., market economy, democratization, human rights, scientific and
>>technological advancements, migration, and the culture of
>>modernity and post-modernity, and the impact of all of these
>>forces on development in various regions of the world. What is
>>the nature and intensity of contemporary global change? What new
>>development issues and challenges are arising from the conditions
>>of globality? How are various regions and societies of the world
>>responding to emerging global changes? And, what is the future of
>>development and peace within the emerging world, and at what
>>cost? Some of these issues will be theoretically and empirically
>>examined in this volume. Two copies of the article not exceeding
>>25 double-spaced pages including tables, endnotes and references
>>should be sent to: Proshanta Nandi (guest editor),
>>Sociology/Anthropology Program, University of Illinois at
>>Springfield, IL 62794-9243; Tel: (217)786-7584; FAX
>>(217)786-7188. The deadline for submission is November 11, 1996.
Dale W. Wimberley
Department of Sociology
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University