Int. Soc. Assoc. Young Sociologist's Paper Competition

Thu, 03 Oct 1996 14:03:20 -0400
chris chase-dunn (

Third Worldwide Competition
for Young Sociologists

(1). The International Sociological Association (ISA) announces the
organization of the third worldwide competition for young
scholars engaged in social research. The winners will be invited to
participate in the XIV World Congress of Sociology which
will take place in Montreal, Canada, July 1998. The winners' papers will
be published in English, subject to editorial revision,
in the ISA's journal International Sociology.

(2). By Young Scholars we mean people under 35 years of age on May 1st,
1997. In case of joint or multiple authorship, this
rule applies to all authors of the submitted paper. Participants should
hold a Master's degree (or an equivalent graduate
diploma) in sociology or in a related discipline.

(3). Candidates must send an original paper that has not been previously
published anywhere. It should be no more than 6,000
words typewritten double spaced on one side of the paper with margins of
3 cm, and the pages numbered. Notes and the
bibliography should appear at the end of the text. Papers which do not
conform to these rules run the risk of being turned
down. We prefer papers focusing on socially relevant issues. The
phenomena examined may be social, economic, political,
cultural or of any other kind, but their interpretation or analysis must
show a sociological orientation (for instance, through the
identification of social processes underlying the phenomena under
scrutiny, critique of commonsense interpretations or of well
established theories, etc.). Empirical research papers must go beyond
descriptive reporting of results to broader, analytical
interpretations. Papers will be judged according to perceptiveness with
which issues are treated, the quality of empirical
materials presented, the consistency with which an analytic framework is
used, the originality of ideas, and the clarity of style.
Extensiveness of referencing or the use of advanced statistical methods
will be considered of only secondary importance, so as
to provide participants throughout the world with as equal an
opportunity as possible. We are particularly interested in
receiving papers from scholars in Third World countries.
The five winners of the First (1990) and the Second (1994) Competition
are not allowed to compete.

(4). Papers may be written in one of the following languages: English,
French, Spanish as well as Arabic, Chinese, German,
Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Russian. A jury will be set up for
each of these languages. To give a fair chance for
participants whose mother tongue is none of the above, there will be
other juries established in English or French, respectively,
for papers submitted by authors, who use any of these as a foreign
language. All other scholars may also make use of this
option if they prefer.

(5). Two copies of equal typographical quality should be sent to the
following address:

3rd ISA Worldwide Competition for Young Sociologists
Attention: Professor Christine Inglis
Multicultural Centre A35
University of Sydney
Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia
tel: 61-2-9351-3161
fax: 61-2-9351-4580

They should be postmarked April 1st, 1997 at the latest or reach the
Sydney Secretariat before May 1st, 1997.

In order to protect anonymity during the selection process, authors
should not put their name on the paper itself but include a
separate sheet of paper with their family name (capital letters), first
name, sex, date of birth, mother tongue, degrees, address
where they can be reached and (optionally) their present occupation. All
this information should also be given in one of the
official languages of the ISA (English, French, Spanish).

(6). Initially, each jury will consider which papers reach a
sufficiently high standard to be issued with a letter of official
commendation and be listed in ISA Bulletin.

Each jury will then preselect (by September 1997) a maximum of three
papers. These finalists will receive Merit Award
Certificates, a four-year membership in the ISA, and an invitation to
participate in the XIV World Congress. The ISA,
however, cannot guarantee to cover their travel costs. All authors thus
preselected will also be invited to participate in a
one-week seminar prior to the Congress.

Out of the preselected finalists, a Grand Jury chaired by the ISA
President Immanuel Wallerstein, will select up to five winning
papers. Their authors will be immediately invited, all expenses paid, to
participate in the World Congress. In case of multiple
authorship, the subvention will have to be shared.

Additional information may be obtained from the Competition Secretariat
in Sydney (see address above), or from other
members of the Competition Committee:
in Spanish: from Prof. Roberto Briceño-Leon, LACSO, Universidad Central
de Venezuela, Apartado Postal 47.795,
Caracas 1041-A, Venezuela, tel: 58-2-6611094, fax: 58-2-6931765, Email:
in French: from Prof. Bernardette Bawin-Legros, Departément de Sciences
Sociales, Université de Liège, Boulvard du
Rectorat 7, B31 bte 45, 4000 Liège, Belgium, tel: 32-41-663172, fax:
32-41-663178, Email:
in Japanese: from Prof. Shujiro Yazawa, Faculty of Social Studies,
Hitotsubashi University, 2-1, Naka, Kunitachi, Tokyo,
Japan, tel: 81-425-721101, fax: 81-425-742630, Email: