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Date: Sat, 21 Sep 1996 16:24:33 -0500
Reply-to: H-NET List for World History <H-WORLD@MSU.EDU>
From: "Patrick Manning, Northeastern University" <MANNING@neu.edu>
Subject: world history seminar--Boston
From: Pat Manning, Northeastern University
This is to announce the 1996-97 schedule of the World History
Seminar in Boston, sponsored by the World History Center of the
Department of History at Northeastern University.
Seminar presentations address issues in research and curriculum
in world history, and are open to any who wish to participate.
The seminar meets on Friday afternoons from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m.,
in Room 420 of the Classroom Building at Northeastern University.
For further information contact me at the address above, or
the World History Center by phone at (617) 373-4060.
October 18, 1996 Alfred Andrea, University of Vermont
"The Crusades in global perspective"
November 15, 1996 Maghan Keita, Villanova University
"Africa in world history"
November 22, 1996 Richard Rath, Brandeis University
"Creolization as a way to do global history at a
local level"
December 6, 1996 Suzanne Blier, Harvard University
"African Amazons and art in late-19th-century
world popular culture"
January 24, 1997 Hector Melo, Northeastern University
"Population, territory, and state: Latin America
in the 20th century"
February 7, 1997 Christine Ward Gailey, Northeastern University
"Gender and State Formation"
February 21, 1997 William Green, College of the Holy Cross
"The intersection of world history and
environmental history"
March 7, 1997 Pamela Brooks, Northeastern University
"Black women's postwar resistance in South
Africa and the U.S. South"
March 21, 1997 Eric Martin, Northeastern University
"Global responses to British imperialism"
April 4, 1997 Yinghong Cheng, Northeastern University
"'New People.' Communist experiments in
reshaping human beings: the Russian and
Chinese revolutions as examples."
April 18, 1997 David Northrup, Boston College
"The nineteenth-century indentured labor trade:
a new slavery or forgotten immigrants?"
May 2, 1997 Jean-Marie Makang, Frostburg State College
"Cheikh-Anta Diop on revolutions in history and
African revolution"
May 16, 1997 Parker James, Tufts University
"Education or entertainment? Multimedia
software for the high school world history