Panel at Pacific Sociological Association meetings

Thu, 19 Sep 1996 23:25:43 -0700 (PDT)
David Smith (

I will be chairing a panel at the PSA annual meetings next spring
entitled, "Reorganizing Pacific Rim Economies: Theories and Strategies."
The conference will be held at the Holiday Inn on the Bay in San Diego,
April 17-20, 1997. The program includes a number of other sessions that
are of interest to folks interested in global political economy --
including a number of panels on immigration, international labor
organizing, gender and globalization, development, comparative
revolutions, etc. Deadline for submission of ideas, abstracts, and papers
to organizers is supposed to be October 15th, and they expect us to have
complete information on the panels in by early November. If you are
interested in submitting something for the PacRim Economies sessions,
please contact me via e-mail (, phone (714-824-7292), FAX
(714-824-4717) or at my office address: David A. Smith
Department of Sociology
University of California
Irvine, CA 92697


dave smith
sociology, uci