The Political Economy of the World-System section (PEWS) of the American
Sociological Association must have *400* members by Sept. 30 (or a few days
earlier, to be assured of record entry by Sept. 30) to have 3 paper
sessions at next year's ASA meeting in Toronto. As of Friday Sept. 6, we
had *383* members on record or in process of being recorded.
We need 17 more members as quickly as possible so that we'll have more than
2 paper sessions in 1997. If you are a lapsed member, or if you have
thought of joining PEWS before, now is a most excellent time to
join/rejoin! (You must be an ASA member to join PEWS.) Also, I suggest
that if you have graduate students interested in world-systems,
development, global political economy, etc., you might pay for their
membership in PEWS (only $5 for students).
To join PEWS, please send your application to ASA in Washington, and send
me a note so I can know what the current count is!
Application follows:
[ ] I am an ASA member and wish to join the Section on the Political
Economy of the World-System. Enclosed is my check.
[ ] I want to join the ASA and the Political Economy of the World-System
Section. Please send me a 1996 membership application.
Name _________________________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________
City ___________________________ State/Province _________________
Zip/Postal Code ____________ Country __________________
PEWS Section dues are $10 for regular members, $5 for student members, and
$8 for low income members. Make checks payable to ASA and mail to American
Sociological Association, Membership Services, 1722 N Street, NW,
Washington, DC 20035-2981.
Dale Wimberley
PEWS Sec.-Treasurer
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University