new article by Arrighi and Book Reviews in the Journal of

Thu, 15 Aug 1996 11:29:45 -0700
chris chase-dunn (

This is to announce some additions to Volume 2 of the Journal of
World-Systems Research. The first is an excellent essay by Giovanni
Arrighi, the new President-elect of the Political Economy of the
World-System section of the American Sociological Association. Giovanni's
essay discusses the rise of East Asia and its meaning for the
contemporary global system.

Number 15 Giovanni Arrighi
The Rise of East Asia and the Withering Away of the Interstate

Volume 2 of JWSR also now contains for new book reviews and a response by
authors to an earlier review:

Book Reviews

Review 1 World Resources Institute
World Resources 1994-95: A Guide to the Global Environment
Reviewed by Brad Bullock

Review 2 Miguel E. Korzeniewicz, Gary Gereffi, and Roberto Patricio
Response to Dunaway and Clelland

Review 3 York W. Bradshaw and Michael Wallace
Global Inequalities
Reviewed by Robert J.S. Ross

Review 4 Sing C. Chew and Robert A. Denemark, eds.
The Underdevelopment of Development: Essays in Honor of Andre Gunder
Reviewed by Stephen K. Sanderson

Review 5 Wilma Dunaway
The First American Frontier: Transition to Capitalism in Southern
Appalachia, 1700-1860
Reviewed by Michael Timberlake

Thanks to the reviewers and to Book Review Editor Dale Wimberley for
their helpful work.

Chris Chase-Dunn