Date: Wed, 31 Jul 1996 21:27:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: mike shupp <>
To: "Nikolai S. Rozov" <>
Subject: Re: Wagar's World
In-Reply-To: <>
On Mon, 29 Jul 1996, Nikolai S. Rozov wrote:
> 5. Why nobody of Western scholars say a word of amelioration of international
> LEGAL system? (For Russian intelligentsia, so tired from revolutionaty, state
> and emperal ideologies, the West is a symbol of idea of Law, legal approach
> to social problems, and high art for making coalitions). Why in these
> discussions the only voice from Siberia calls for legal approach and rational
> coalition-making?
I think the West is in the emotional doldrums right now, hamstrung by
unemployment, slowly growing economies, interminable debates about
nationalism and social ills, and inept politicians. (in fact, I think
we've just been through a long-wave depression, concealed by massive
government deficits, but I'm not an economist, so it is just my view.
However, if I'm right, our spirits will revive considerably in another
couple of decades, and our willingness to build broader coalitions and
tackle new projects.)
Mike Shupp
California State University, Northridge