Selling Internationalism to Phobics

Sun, 28 Jul 1996 17:49:42 -0500
J. Timmons Roberts (


After reading some of the posts on Wager's comments about the need for an
international state(s) of some sort, I made the mistake of listening to talk
radio while driving around yesterday. Only about 12 hours after the bomb at
the Olympics, the host was going on about how tacky Centennial Park in
Atlanta was, and how the Olympics are another example of creeping
internationalism that must be stopped. My own work on global environmental
problems and the flight of corporations to avoid labor and pollution
regulations makes me keenly aware of the need for strong international
controls and at least what Chase-Dunn used to call "A U.N. with Teeth," to
enforce them. Perhaps even more is needed, along the lines of an
international state. But my point today is simply that selling an
international state to that segment of the "masses" who are afraid of
anything on a greater scale than their municipal government is going to be
tough, to say the least. How does one encourage citizenry and politicians
to "give up control" to the larger bodies needed to keep our species alive?
That's all.
Timmons Roberts
Assistant Professor
Tulane University