PEWS membership

Tue, 23 Jul 1996 15:33:51 EST5EDT
Terry Boswell (

This message is directed at encouraging Sociologists
interested in global issues to join the Political Economy
of the World-System Section (PEWS) of the American
Sociological Association (ASA). The World-System Section
is concerned with developing a global perspective as a
method of scholarly research within sociology. PEWS is
the main arena for research and discussion of global
issues in Sociology. In addition to organizing scholarly
sessions and social gatherings at the ASA meetings, it
offers awards for books, articles and dissertations, and
publishes a newsletter.

If you are not a current member, I want to encourage
you to join (or rejoin) the World-System Section, or if
you are a member, to help recruit new members. The ASA
allocates sessions at the meetings depending on the
member interests as indicated by section membership.
This is the only way to affect the organization of the
meetings other than the presidential election. We are
only a few members short of the 400 needed by September
30th in order to organize three regular sessions at the
meetings. Your membership will thus have a large marginal
effect, adding a forum for the discussion of global
issues that otherwise would not be present at the annual

I should add that nearly all ASA sections have
shrunk over the last year, with 10 projected to lose
sessions, including PEWS. The main reason is the
addition of several new sections, which has spread the
membership thin. Joining PEWS now is but a small added
cost that is necessary for maintaining, and expanding,
the forum for examining global issues. Questions of
globalization have finally reached the consciousness of
the public and popular media. Unlike other "hot topics"
that quickly make way for the next trend, global issues
and global problems will only increase in importance as
the processes of world market integration continue to
accelerate. For sociologists, the Political Economy of
the World-System Section is the only forum in the ASA
devoted to research on global issues.

ASA members can easily join PEWS by simply sending
in the form below with a $10 check for dues, $5 for
students (others must also join the ASA, which is
required of meeting participants). Many faculty sponsor
membership for graduate students. This is a great way to
introduce graduate students to a supportive network of
people who are pursuing global and development research.
If they are ASA members, simply send in $5 along with
their name and address on the form below.

American Sociological Association
1722 N. Street N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036


____ I am an ASA member, and want to join the Political
Economy of the World-System Section. Enclosed is a
check for $10.00 for Section dues for this year, $5.00
for students.

____ I am not an ASA member, but I am interested in
joining the Political Economy of the World-System
Section. Please send me information about membership in
both the ASA and the World-System Section.

Make checks payable to the American Sociological