whole book now available on wsystems

Fri, 12 Jul 1996 12:37:41 -0600 (CST)
chris chase-dunn (chriscd@jhu.edu)

I have put up on the World-Systems Archive the collection edited by Tom Hall
and myself that was published by Westview in 1991. The book is now out of
print but I still get occasional requests for it.

The title is _Core/Periphery Relations in Precapitalist Worlds_. It contains
articles by Barry Gills and Andre Gunder Frank, Jane Schneider, Stephen
Sanderson, Gary Feinman and Linda Nicolas, Peter Peregrine, David Wilkinson
as well as Tom Hall and Chris Chase-Dunn.

You can retrieve the whole book or individual chapters. The web address is
then choose "books" and then "chase-dunn&hall".

The ftp or gopher address is csf.colorado.edu/wsystems/books/chase-dunn&hall

happy reading.

Prof. Chris Chase-Dunn
Department of Sociology
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD. 21218 USA
tel 410 516 7633 fax 410 516 7590 email chriscd@jhu.edu